The secretary didn't think that this was some covert action at all.
For him it represented interest in the flock by HQ and the opportunity to help out on a research project for "broadcasting".
we have a bethel speaker on the english side.
they're pretty regular up here since it's only three and a half hours drive from nyc.. but this is a special kind of visit.. it turns out he's involved in doing a special research project and the christian congregation of jw's wants to know us better.. in order for the broadcasting to address issues more meaningful for families, they want to know the demographic make up of the congregations.. he spoke with the secretary about young single publishers and couples 20-35 y.o.
how are they employed.
The secretary didn't think that this was some covert action at all.
For him it represented interest in the flock by HQ and the opportunity to help out on a research project for "broadcasting".
we have a bethel speaker on the english side.
they're pretty regular up here since it's only three and a half hours drive from nyc.. but this is a special kind of visit.. it turns out he's involved in doing a special research project and the christian congregation of jw's wants to know us better.. in order for the broadcasting to address issues more meaningful for families, they want to know the demographic make up of the congregations.. he spoke with the secretary about young single publishers and couples 20-35 y.o.
how are they employed.
The information gathering is for the "broadcasting". I think that means that the want to make videos that have more impact with younger folks.
Why they're not asking questions about the older ones is quite telling. There was the 1914 generation that wouldn't pass away but did. Now there's the just about forgotten overlappers who they're not really interested in except for their wills. Then there's the clueless new blood, the ones coming into their productive years, and those are the ones they're wishing to grab before they fade away.
Bunch of filthy lucre loving, life-blood-sucking institutionalized vampires stealing and enslaving the young for their putrid organization's benefit!
we have a bethel speaker on the english side.
they're pretty regular up here since it's only three and a half hours drive from nyc.. but this is a special kind of visit.. it turns out he's involved in doing a special research project and the christian congregation of jw's wants to know us better.. in order for the broadcasting to address issues more meaningful for families, they want to know the demographic make up of the congregations.. he spoke with the secretary about young single publishers and couples 20-35 y.o.
how are they employed.
It wasn't clear to me if the bethelite is visiting congregations collecting info or told the secretary what his job is at Bethel.
Our KH not far from Boston, Mass., is older, the building is in need of an update or remodel, kind of like the congregants.
There's a large majority of older folks here--the WT is their whole life.
There are a handful of young families with young kids. There's another handful of teenagers.
There are no young appointed MS or elders except for the Coordinator's eldest son, in his early thirties. Otherwise most appointed brothers are older, the old CoBE had to relinquish his job because he's over 80.
a month ago someone inquired about where the case against watchtower in otuo v watchtower was at currently.
firstly the claimant has brought two separate claims against the watchtower .
case 1 relates to a suit in slander premised on the words , "frank otuo is no longer a jehovah witness".
we have a bethel speaker on the english side.
they're pretty regular up here since it's only three and a half hours drive from nyc.. but this is a special kind of visit.. it turns out he's involved in doing a special research project and the christian congregation of jw's wants to know us better.. in order for the broadcasting to address issues more meaningful for families, they want to know the demographic make up of the congregations.. he spoke with the secretary about young single publishers and couples 20-35 y.o.
how are they employed.
We have a Bethel speaker on the English side.
They're pretty regular up here since it's only three and a half hours drive from NYC.
But this is a special kind of visitor.
It turns out he's involved in doing a special research project and the Christian Congregation of JW's wants to know us better.
In order for the broadcasting to address issues more meaningful for families, they want to know the demographic make up of the congregations.
He spoke with the secretary about young single publishers and couples 20-35 y.o. How are they employed. Do they own a home or do they rent. They want to know how many couples have young children. How many teenagers and 18-25 y.o.'s male and female are there. Also what is the racial mix in the congregation.
[barf]This is just another example of how "the slave" cares for the congregations. [/barf]
if i have time i always talk to jws when i see a cult cart.. they are in a public forum promoting a harmful ideology therefore they are fair game.
having said that, the individual jws on the trolley are not the enemy so i think it's better to keep it as friendly and non-confrontational as possible.. being realistic no jw is going to admit they are wrong because of something we say to them on the street but don't underestimate the long-term effect of doubts.. so what are your ideas for how to approach them?.
personally i like to use the literature on the cart.
The best challenge, in my opinion, is the flip-flopping. Either they had it right once and changed to wrong then change to right, or they had it wrong and changed to right then changed to wrong again. Can't have both be right and wrong at the same time. Either the U.N. was bad or it wasn't. Why the Awake! articles praising the U.N. when they were members then giving up their NGO relationship once they were found out and exposed on the Guardian.
Hypocrisy will be the death of them, I feel. It's something that opened my eyes. The cross was a Christian symbol under Russell and then pagan under Rutherford, but the gospels point out, in the revised NWT, the "mark of the nails" on the hands, so more than one, and not at all as it's pictured on the magazines since the sign saying the phrase about King of the Jews was above Jesus' head not his hands.
Either they can call God, Our Father, and they're children of God, or they are just friends, in which case they can't call God their Father. Who does the Bible say is "our mother", our spiritual mother is the Jerusalem above not the WTB&TS.
There's a lot of these reasoning points that make one think.
news from the bethel of italy very soon ?.
the properties in rome, will be sold ?
will remain only germany bethel in selters and in italy will remain only.
No more bullying in congregations
Enough with the bad bureaucracy
Enough with the theocratic career
We just need to follow Christ
Well said!
Enough with following men with pinky rings and Rolexes.
Basta! Enough!
howdy guys!
this is our latest video on the jw broadcast in short form.
we talk about jw marriage challenges.
Hola Christian y Katja, me encantó vuestro video.
Loved the video, and loved you both in costume, found myself nodding yes and agreeing with your perceptions all throughout your comments on the broadcast parts.
Two thumbs up.
i asked a couple of them farther up the street by north station if they had ever seen beth sarim - and that they should look it up...for some interesting facts about their history.. .
Hey, I know that sister with the blue purse!
By all means go there on your lunch break.
Tell us how the anti-witnessing went.
i'm hearing rumours of huge changes within the berkshire circuit here in the uk .
congregations being dispanded and kingdom halls closing down and being sold off.... official announcements within the next month apparently .
does anyone else have anymore info?.
"wondrous expansion is still taking place round his way!?"
wondrous reductions and cut-backs,