but there's something there. . . I hope.
The something there on your Lady friend is probably PTSD upsurging ;-)
No, but really... What I find interesting is that you were very upfront with her--you didn't try to mislead her into some sort of 'poztate trap. You told her exactly what your experience had been and your estimation of the WT religion being a "cult".
She could have defended her belief instead of running off. Maybe she felt inadequate about speaking back, not being able to express thoughts in a second language? I dunno, maybe?
Or then again, even though she seems like she was a JW n00b, and quite inexperienced at informal witnessing, her cult mind seems to have taken over and called for a quick retreat to safety away from exposure to anti-cult witnessing.
One thing's for sure,though, Terry, your writing is very vivid and descriptive. You're really developing quite a gift for writing, kudos!