Not all Bible students are Dawn cultish.
Those who separated from Russell early on are not BITE-ers.
Like ones from the Christian Believers Conference.
translating jwfacts into spanish has made me critically analyze pretty much everything paul has written.
i would say paul is right 90%+ of the time.
some things are just things that are outdated, on other occasions, things are partially right and just need to be tweaked.anyhow... one of the articles is "where else would i go"?since i am an atheist, ideally, for me, the answer would be "become at least agnostic, if not atheist, and lead an evidence-based life".
Not all Bible students are Dawn cultish.
Those who separated from Russell early on are not BITE-ers.
Like ones from the Christian Believers Conference.
the legend of the death of arius – imagination and propaganda in the development of early christianity.. .
as a jw, i, of course, soon learnt the standard jw belief that there was no such thing as a triune god.
whereas most other christians believe in a triune god.
I believe that Arius had been restored to good graces when he was poisoned with an intestine damaging abrasive, causing him to first have extreme abdominal pain then when running off to relieve himself, hemorrhaging out the anus and finally dying from loss of blood. This can be attested to from eyewitness accounts.
Athanasius was a hierarchical tyrant with an ax to grind. I would not put it past him to have Arius poisoned.
if you identify as a christian but you have accepted that the diversity of life - including humans - resulted from a process of biological evolution could you add your name please?.
just to be clear i am referring to the fact that our physical lineage could literally be traced back all the way to non-human species.. if you like maybe you could comment on why you see not conflict between evolution and your christian faith.. there is a tendency to conflate evolution with atheism.
it would be good to show that this is not the case..
OK. I'm still of the opinion that a Divine Entity could use the process of biological evolution, why not? And the Adam and Eve story thing is as simplified as the division of each developmentally creative stage into a day and a night. Considering the down-market nature of human scientific sophistication until not that long ago, it makes sense to me.
another reason to stop social isolation..
I was going to go to that conference but I forgot!
the conversation soon got to spiritual subjects, this elder is company man all through and side kick well he's learning the ropes.
bang mentioned snake antivenin, blood factions, then big geoffrey jackson saying presumptuous, then vin toole in the arc saying he had never heard of theocratic warfare.
then told how god made exceptions to the rules on blood when soldiers ate unbled meat.
Maybe they smell blood .
If so, tell them they can go fraction themselves! 😁
...and need a bullet to the head.
my wife found a post on instagram where some jw nutter claims that either lett or morris said this in a talk.
any confirmation or video of such?
Yup! That's the story! I think there was some allusions made about the pleasures of the flesh that drew the family dog away. A brother, an elder, gave a Sunday talk about this illustration as if it really happened to his parents' dog when he was a kid.
july 7, 2017 to all field missionaries, special pioneers, temporary special pioneers and regular pioneers re: needs in the field—training others.
The pioneer helping others program was a total failure. From what I witnessed the pioneers thought they'd been dumped on and it was the person who studied with them originally who should help them or even more so, the elders who should be helping those "weak" and "new ones"--unless, that is, if the new one or weak one was one of the pretty people who everyone wanted to hang out with and let in on the pioneer clique.
As an elder when this program was going on, our BOE discussions never really dealt with how to implement this in a sustainable way, our BOE just thought of who was a pain in the butt and who didn't respond to being coaxed into reporting more hours and who we'd rather not have to spend a weekend morning with in service, and then send the pioneers to help them get their act together.
i know you might think i'm exaggerating but if you really think about it, maybe i'm not.
these two religions originate with the same ancient belief system.
islam is a dangerous middle eastern cult that seeks to control every aspect of its members' lives.
WT'ism has the potential to become more and more fanatical.
But it would take a while to reach the heights fanatical mahometans are attaining lately in the news.
The history of Mahomet's followers is filled with the ebb and flow of fanatics, just like the history of Christendom is also filled with maniacal fanatics who kill, persecute and maim. (e.g. Crusades, Dark Ages Europe, pogroms, ethnic cleansing by anti-hereticals, by the Catholic Inquisition, yes, and also fanatical Orthodox and Protestants alike burning people at the stake).
And of course, there's the WT's lamenting that today there's no stoning of apostates.
if you identify as a christian but you have accepted that the diversity of life - including humans - resulted from a process of biological evolution could you add your name please?.
just to be clear i am referring to the fact that our physical lineage could literally be traced back all the way to non-human species.. if you like maybe you could comment on why you see not conflict between evolution and your christian faith.. there is a tendency to conflate evolution with atheism.
it would be good to show that this is not the case..
I don't see a problem with a Divine Entity allowing life to evolve after creation. Why not?
a well known scripture says, "however, do not let this escape your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with jehovah as a thousand years......." (2 peter 3:8) .
using this divine calculation of time, let's apply it to a prophetic type/anti-type scenario:.
matthew 16:21 says, ".....the christ would suffer and rise from among the dead on the third day...", while john 21:1 reveals that it was at the very beginning of that third day - "on the first day of the week, mary magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and she saw that the stone had already been taken away from the tomb.
2034 has been hinted at with the WT about Noah and the 120 years by leaving the reader to conjecture on 1914+120=2034.