As a school overseer I had more than once had to do a #3 talk.
Whenever the sister cancelled with short notice and no subs rose up to the occasion.
In which cases it was handled as a #4.
i was enjoying the funny memes thread
but what is the number 3 talk?
there were a few references to that particular talk.
As a school overseer I had more than once had to do a #3 talk.
Whenever the sister cancelled with short notice and no subs rose up to the occasion.
In which cases it was handled as a #4.
take a wild guess who dreamt up the idea about no blood transfusions for jehovah’s witnesses in the first place?
charles russell, the founder of the church?
judge rushford, the alcoholic and second president?
Just in case any JW is thinking of transfused blood changing one's DNA, here's a bit of info:
I love it! Is it free to use, ie. Libre?
just been reading a bit about oliver cromwell on wiki, plus i watched a documentary on youtube.. cromwell fought against king charles the first and the royalists in the 17th century.
king charles lost the civil war and was beheaded in 1649. after this, england was without a monarch and cromwell became lord protector of the commonwealth.
cromwell died in 1658 and was embalmed and buried in westminster abbey.
Pretty gruesome stuff that!
It is quite a story.
Thanks for sharing.
the watchtower is so short of money because they have to pay for all the upkeep of so many branch offices around the world.because so many of the branch offices are in very poor countries and they are not balancing the budgets.
I get the feeling they're amassing a huge nest-egg-dividend-paying fund that will firewall them from litigious abuse victims and what-not court cases.
After the death of the GB 1.0'ers the strategy changes came fast and strong and it definitely feels like the goal post is on amassing as many assets as possible.
important note: i am not a theist and this is all meaningless of course from an atheist perspective, but this critique is written from a theistic perspective for those who are interested in picking apart jw theology or are still religious.
if this is not you, please just ignore!.
comments, additions, corrections to my crazy ramblings all welcome.
Why witness about a name of God you know and admit is false ?
Every Bible based name in English is not pronounced quite like it's original language version. That doesn't make them false. For example "Yehoshua" is our Jesus in English but Jesus in Spanish it's prnounced with an H sound, "hay-SOOS" and in English "DJEE-suhs".
To say that Jehovah is a false rendering is incorrect.
i recently was on a job with the cobe and i would like to relate this experience.
it goes to show how unthink these zombies have become.. during working, the cobe asks me “did you see that couple that died in the eritrean prison, the brother and his wife?”.
i replied that i had not seen anything like that.
It's very tricky of the WT to put headline of two elderly people that die in prison and then put a picture of the husband and wife underneath. It's almost like they know a lot of JW's won't read the article and the emotional hit of an elderly husband and wife dying in prison is a lot more powerful psychologically.
i was able to meet imagine dragons, it just kinda happened!
during my normal day to day activities, and they were very pleasant!
they were kind and approachable.
It's shameful how dismissive they are when asked to back a belief with scriptures.
Of course their immediate thought is to refer house-holders to literature on JW.0RG
Back in the day everyone I went in service with, except for newbies or children, could maintain a good discussion going an use their memory or the Bible words and Topics referenced on the back of the Bible, (my fave was the bright green "Make sure of all things" book, though).
If a house-holder had time we'd discuss for over an hour or even more, and if they were folks in the car, no big deal, it was easy time, and you could take a nap, then head to the coffee shop for a bathroom break and a snack.
things that must shortly take place... the true understanding of the “generation” mentioned at matthew 24:34 may soon be revealed!.
please watch the one minute youtube video and read the explanation in the videos description..
The things occurred and the generation passed away! Time to move on from secondary fulfillment to pragmatics.
last sunday, our family went to the kingdom hall and i realized that this was the week that the circuit overseer was in town.
when we sat down, i noticed he came over and talked to her then he walked away i guess to talk to others.
a few minutes later, he returned to tell her that he could not talk to her because he was informed that she was disfelloshipped.
The CO needs his millstone round da neck and go for a swim!