Does hallelujah count? Or any compound name with Jeho or iah?
Martin the monk used the Masoretic vowel pointed Hebrew and wrote the word with the Latin alphabet. The vowel points for Jehovah and Adonay do not match, they are not the same.
did jesus ever utter the name jehovah?.
and if he didn't what are the implications?
nwt answers don't count but feel free to use the kingdom interlinear.
Does hallelujah count? Or any compound name with Jeho or iah?
Martin the monk used the Masoretic vowel pointed Hebrew and wrote the word with the Latin alphabet. The vowel points for Jehovah and Adonay do not match, they are not the same.
guys, ive wanted for long to start to express my thoughts about what i learned about the org and the bible altogether but i'm a pimo.
what suggestions do you have for me?
i don't want to "get caught" for sharing "apostasy" and i think running a page on facebook or instagram is too easy for anyone to track me down.
It used to be that email was downloaded from your service provider onto your computer. Then web mail came along where you log onto your service provider and read your mail online from his server, no downloading, email stays on the provider's server. And, yes, Gmail, Yahoo mail, hotmail, are web based email providers. Simply put, that's about it, minus the details.
yesterday i parked at a rest stop for a bit and there were 2 ladys at a cart.
the cart sign was hand painted.
that was odd to me.
They have to quality and be approved to take out the carts which are KH property.
ok. we are all aware of the scandal around the non reporting of child abuse cases to the authorities by the elders and how it was part of watchtower policy.. this has probably been discussed before, which i apologize for now if it has.. the obvious view that most of us make as to why the gb are so reluctant to comply with the authorities by revealing their database around child abuse allegations, is that the leadership at watchtower hq likely were trying to safeguard the reputation of the organisation.. however, (just a theory) are they hiding something more sinister which could in effect devastate the organisation ie could it be they are hiding some things within the gb itself, whether it be some individuals within the gb of the past or even present who might have had some serious allegations made against them which the authorities are never going to know about?
i mean why the hell are they going to such lengths to hide everything???.
any thoughts?
The answer is they open themselves to litigation and millions of dollars in damages.
i had some terrible dark nightmares when i was studying which disappeared once i got baptised.
i think it was psychological based on the fact i believed jehovah was protecting me after i was baptised.
i had a nightmare tonight after just under a year of being out of the borg and woke up feeling a bit lost because in the past i'd have prayed and then gone back into a peaceful sleep but since i don't pray anymore i wasn't sure how to comfort myself to go back to sleep.
To back to praying if it helps.
I pray. It helps for sure.
hi guys, long time without paying a visit to this site.
today i returned to check a 'gossip' that is running around in brazilian exjw forums.. they are stating that is almost certain they will make a big change in their doctrine maybe this year yet in the annual meeting.
they say people in warwick were commenting on this.
The big news will be they are selling the farm. Yup, Wallkill is a gonner.
That or they now know what the statue's toes represent.
if/when jw drop around to have a coffee or meal what do they talk about?
Anything and everything except the Christian faith's belief in Jesus as the Christ.
i haven't been to a kh in decades, so i get the google alerts for jws and i got one featuring a local news channel in brooklyn covering the assembly being held in flatbush, brooklyn.
i'm sure that venue is where the circuit assemblies are usually held, keeping in mind it's summer and that's when the district assemblies are being held.
why are they acting like they're so strapped for cash and now holding district assemblies in circuit assemblies locations ?.
Many foreign language regionals are held in circuit assembly halls.
Well done! Good parallels brought out about abusive religious groups.
can you believe it?
this funeral arrangement goes on and on and on.
if the people loved him so much he would have been elected president.
Morph I would think he qualifies as a moral authority and conscience on the conservative and Republican front at least above the level of most right wingers