JoinedPosts by oppostate
What Are Your Rights?
by Simon inrights seem to be everywhere nowadays.
say hello to someone in the wrong way and you've violated 101 of their human rights.
people imagine they have the right to all sorts of things - food, healthcare, housing, internet ... so many things are labelled basic rights and then you get onto their human rights - a favourite of the do-nothing bodies such as the un to declare.
Discontinue unproductive bible study - jw broadcasting
by Gorbatchov in
interesting video explaining how to end a bible study.. watch the kind of uber behaviour of the witnesses: make a choice or we leave.... so hard, so not christian.
no love for the person.. g..
People who just study and make no progress are a dead weight to the b0rg.
Publishers love to count hours visiting with a non-productive study because it racks up easy service hours and it is a gift that keeps on giving on the monthly service reports.
The b0rg hates it because those studies are not going to add to the publisher ranks of donation contributors.
Watchtower the Great and Its Wild Beast
by oppostate insaw this on facebook and it's worth sharing.
Saw this on Facebook and it's worth sharing. LOL!
Has Anyone Ever Outed You For Being “Apostate”?
by minimus ineither here on this site or by a congregation member?
Yep! There is no loyalty to a friend of 30+ years, only to the 0rg and the filthy lucre loving GB 8's.
Hey Governing Body, if you're not too busy.....
by The Fall Guy in.....can you clarify one of your doctrines for me?.
re chap.
27 p. 178 par.
Then again the Catholics think it's Mary.
Woman of the Apocalypse - Wikipedia
WikipediaThe Virgin of Guadalupe has been depicted as the Woman of the Apocalypse since the 16th century. -
Hey Governing Body, if you're not too busy.....
by The Fall Guy in.....can you clarify one of your doctrines for me?.
re chap.
27 p. 178 par.
New JW phrase: bouquet of truth
by ohnightdivine ini heard it from someone who attended the latest wt study, and quickly posted it with - you guessed it - a picture of a lovely flower bouquet.
"how big is your bouquet of truth?".
That is one nice bouquet of fried chicken!
New JW phrase: bouquet of truth
by ohnightdivine ini heard it from someone who attended the latest wt study, and quickly posted it with - you guessed it - a picture of a lovely flower bouquet.
"how big is your bouquet of truth?".
Enlighten me If you can
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inconfusing standards or hodge podge?.
what is this about beards i never got the hang of from day one?
are beards ok or not?.
Facial hair on JW men is suspect, and has been looked down on since Joe Rutherford held the WTS presidency.
Much depends on who you are and where you live, and whether you can come up with some medical excuse for not shaving. As a JW, you would always be a bit guarded and distrustful of anyone with facial hair who goes to the KH.
Facial hair breaks the spell that keeps JWs as subserviently immature drones suppressed through hierarchical domination.
Amended to add that this was a very Roman Catholic clerical custom.
Don't give them 2019
by snare&racket ini am writing the post i have wanted to write for some time.
it's a heartfelt note to those still attending meetings, still caught between the lines of watchtower and the world.
those with kids or a spouse in the society..... despite being mentally out....those who have weighed up that there is too much to lose in leaving.
Okay, well, your story started really interesting and then it went on and on and I must confess, I didn't read 2/3 of the thing. Your writing style is very much like a stream of consciousness piece.
My suggestion, say what you need to say in fewer words in future posts. Otherwise you run the chance that folks aren't going to invest the time to read everything you thought you'd say for their benefit.