I find it interesting. I knew a guy whose situation was similar to Sanderson. Remained single, attended MTS in the late 90s early 2k. I think he continues to work lousy part time gigs with the hope he will get a better assignment, but he never has.
Sanderson started partaking. This would be a common theme among the GB members, declaring themselves to be of the formerly-known-as faithful and discreet slave class or one of the anointed who now that they are in power have decided that only them, the self-sanctified seven, are the true faithful and discreet slave.
Someone should mention to that MTS grad he should had started partaking years ago, but maybe there's still time for him to get the with the program and start partaking, although, the current seven don't seem very excited to let anyone else in on the woman-haters-no-females-allowed faithful and discreet slave club.