A must watch!
Christian and Katja do a hilarious spoof on this year's RC's bunker videos.
(BTW the rest of their video commentary is right on and worth the watch, too!)
a must watch!
christian and katja do a hilarious spoof on this year's rc's bunker videos.. (btw the rest of their video commentary is right on and worth the watch, too!).
A must watch!
Christian and Katja do a hilarious spoof on this year's RC's bunker videos.
(BTW the rest of their video commentary is right on and worth the watch, too!)
just thought this might be of passing interest to a few members.
we were unpacking some estate items from a 1930s bethelite and were confounded by his vertical phonograph.
lots of old rutherford books, and some trashed rutherford records, but the phonograph was something to behold.
Pretty clever stuff to peddle Rutherford's religious propaganda.
Even now as in years past the WT likes to use the latest technology for converting and enslaving people into its cult.
(ks10 p11:1) revelation 1:20 depicts jesus as holding the anointed elders in his right hand, thus, by extension, indicating that he controls all bodies of elders for the purpose of accomplishing jehovah’s will.
(re pp.
in the shepherding book it says "holding the anointed elders in his right hand".
(ks10 p11:1) Revelation 1:20 depicts Jesus as holding the anointed elders in his right hand, thus, by extension, indicating that he controls all bodies of elders for the purpose of accomplishing Jehovah’s will. (re pp. 28-29, 136)
In the Shepherding book it says "holding the anointed elders in his right hand". I never noticed before the "anointed" qualifier.
But... Of course they throw in that "by extension" it applies to all BOE's.
I bring this out because I got called into a back-room counselling session where I was confronted with the accusation that I'm quoting a scripture (1 John 5:1) that only applies to the "anointed" and applying it to the "JW-other sheep".
"Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born from God." (1 John 5:1, rNWT)
It seems that the WT is the only one who is free to make NT verses apply to anyone other than the "anointed" (in Greek "anointed" = "Christ").
So... If you quote and apply a scripture to the "JW-other sheep" there better be some sort of specific application in print by the WT or you're going beyond what's written, causing divisions, and turning apostate.
These filthy-lucre-loving Governing Body hypocrites want to make sure that everyone knows they're the "Anointed" (Christs) and teach the New Testament was written only for their benefit, and it is only by extension, that is, when it's to their profit that they allow the scriptures to apply to the JW-other sheep, Rank & File followers.
I'm so sick of this F'ing cult!
jw.org is delighted that soon various governments are going to strip "worldly" religions from their properties.
i hope that soon the time has come for the jw.org to be stripped out of its own properties.
100 % closing and total liquidation should be the share of every cult which is following the "shunning" policies.the caring parents who are now shunned by their own child(children) due to the fanatic and manipulated pressure of the now so called "princes" and "dukes" (wt elders) will 100 % agree.
Someone mistyped the memo at WT HQ, apparently the only religion getting liquidated at the moment is the WT holdings in Russia. Boo hoo!
i was a younger dub at the time of this release, and stopped watching this movie near its beginning, when john cleese was stoned with the huge rock for saying jehovah.. this was despite having been (and continuing to be) a major john cleese (and monty python) fan.. any fans of this film?.
"look on the bright side of life"
I hate it when speakers make illustrations that have to do with "worldly" things and apply them like we should know what they mean to say.
If one was a truly loyal JW they'd have left off anything to do with sports, military, government & politics etc.
When they use such illustrations it makes it sound like the counsel to stay away from worldly pursuits just isn't frank, and they don't really expect JW's to "obey".
Either way they're a bunch of hypocrites.
Then again it could be aimed at seeming more "normal" and appealing to those who aren't fully indoctrinated.
Coffee shop in Maine you say!
robert ciranko has been a "helper" of the governing body in the writing department.. don adams (born 1925, presumably 91 years old now) has been president of the wtbts since 2000. .
however, in recent official posts (april 2016), robert ciranko is identified as "president of the watch tower".
does anybody know what happened and if this is an official change?.
That's an excellent catch! Good question, I just did some searching around and you're right, Ciranko is being touted as the President of the WT-Penn. corporation.
I'd say official corporation records with the State of Penn. would give us some insight as to whether there was a definite appointment and a changing of the guard sort of speak.
Good eye, EdenOne!
hi new to this forum but not so new to ttatt.
i was just wondering how nice it would be to know each other in real life.
i have got few friends in jw who are fully awake but still hanging because of family.
I thought this thread would be about coming up with some sort of secret handshakes to let each other know we were awakened to the WT's cultish crap doctrines.
My one connection with another awakened JW was through the anointedjw.org website which we now don't even think of going to due to their connection to the Urantia Book--Funny business there!
I've reached out to some at the KH who I thought would be open to some anti-witnessing but it backfires and I've been getting burnt everytime.
..bloody meetings" --dale carnegie.. i say this as my wife frequently returns from meetings in a bad mood and after any convention a worse than bad mood.. i detect the same in others postings.
whatever the wt is spewing out it is not honey but vinegar.
im going to bed with a book..
Zeb, you're right on. Same thing here.
At the meeting all smiles and niceties, when finally home the smile turns into a frown, like someone smelling rotten fart and if I mention something negative about the 0rganization, forget about it, the fault finding begins. It turns personal and I'm apostate sounding and will reap what I sow.
To the indoctrinated JW brain meetings must be like an addictive drug, first comes the high then the low--The WT's got a manic-depressive (bipolar) hold on the brain.