freddo: What a complete and utter waste of time.
Indeed, but it is accomplishing something in a way, did you notice the "in your face" presence of JW.0rg sinage? It's all about encouraging brand name recognition.
If the Watchtower hadn't lost the case for copyrighting the logo, you betcha the situation with using it by publishers would be a lot different, just like the little Watchtower stylized little logo, where they even wrote BOE's counselling against using it on KH's signs.
When a split-off group started calling themselves "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses". The Watchtower started encouraging publishers to introduce themselves this way in order to create confusion of name-brand. But their scheming didn't succeed and they weren't able to legally prevent the other group to use that name.
With the WT everything is about business, branding and marketing, and of course love of money. Bunch of filthy-lucre loving hypocrites, that they are!