and nobodys getting anything out of it .
Well, at least Simon is getting some google ad revenue out of it, and that helps the board stay afloat.
is it just me who doesnt see the point of this ?
from time to time we see some individual who takes up page after page arguing his or her point of view and it usually ends up with only 2 or 3 individuals who keep the talkfest going with a particular individual and nobodys getting anything out of it .. why bother ?
why get sucked in to such a pointless dialogue ?
and nobodys getting anything out of it .
Well, at least Simon is getting some google ad revenue out of it, and that helps the board stay afloat.
we all know just hoe dangerous emojis are right??
well, thankfully, "jehovah's organization" have lovingly provided a step by step worksheet to help!.
I award the JW.0rg the smelly fly circling turd emoji!
so was jesus a fool or a liar?
he said that his church would last all ages, didn't he?.
math 16:8and i say to thee: that thou art peter; and upon this rock i will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Man oh man! D-J dude!
Your etymologies are way off dude!
When you start off with such an obvious fallacy it becomes very difficult to take anything else you posted seriously.
in the time since i've left the borg behind i've had a few things hit me as to how words were used.
i'm wondering if anyone else has some similar examples, but here are some things that have made me think:.
watchtower - my whole life i saw this as a thing of protection from outside evil forces, and then when i left someone pointed out "isn't that what they used to keep people in prison".
How about present truth
yeah, i have russians getting in my way all the time.
Russians! Their way or the highway 😁
on the subject welcome others the new light is i can now have limited association with df and da ones at the kingdom hall not strictl avoidance..
Limited to absolute shunning, of course.
what other cut backs do you think will be coming or might be coming these next few years for the borg ?.
The CO's aren't expensive for the 0rg.
All their expenses are paid by the local cong's.
But the rumor that the CO's jobs had been considered being made into local super elder / regional-circuit-part-time overseers has been around for years now.
The only advantage would seem to be distancing the GoBo's and JW.0rg from legal action.
i saw this on reddit:.
overall the numbers are better than last year (1.8% growth compared to 1.5% last year -- as i predicted ;-) ) with an increase in all major figures including 1300 more congregations (i assume this is not physical kingdom halls?).
I would not expect to see the huge jump from roughly 15,000 partakers in 2015 to well over 18,000 last year. Care to comment on this?
I was a bit shocked to see a three thousand increase in one year.
But, even more surprising is that many who started partaking in the immediate area congregations in Greater Boston shared stories of "inquiries" and plain persecution by hounders, more than a few have been DF'ed for apostasy due to believing in only one hope not two or they've become inactive and even DA'ed before the hounders got to them. If so many are going down in the local area, the numbers of folks becoming inactive or DA'ing nationally and worldwide must really be up there.
i am not talking about the one that the org came out with in 2010. i am talking about a new one that just came out.
it is completely different or is it just the 135 songs from the 2010 songbook plus the 16 that they have rolled out since then?
my head is spinning!.
I'm so dizzy my head is spinning. Like a whirlpool, it never ends
december 28, 2016 to all congregations re: one study edition of the watchtower in languages other than english.
dear brothers:.
for several years, the simplified edition of the watchtower has been produced in french,.
I think it is beyond hillarious that they finish the letter by saying that in the future these foreign language translations of the WT will be in even simpler language.
Good grief! 1984 and engsoc, dumbing down language to dumb down minds!