JoinedPosts by oppostate
Jolene Chu and James Pelechia?
by Gorbatchov in20 years ago there was some change at the jw bastion.
some windows were opened when the internet became availble.
jolene chu and james pelechia did historical research for watchtower and published about it.
New Letter: Announcements and Reminders
by Brian J inletter dated 1/1/2018.
i know they are trying to simplify but it all is such a confusing mess.... forms, dates, calculators, committees, logins, publisher record cards.....jesus would barf.
to all bodies of elders re: announcements and reminders dear brothers: in an effort to reduce the number of letters sent to all bodies of elders and congregations, most announcements from the branch office will now be conveyed to congregations by means of the announcements and reminders (s-147) form.
It does matter to elders and makes them feel so special to be getting these announcements and reminders.
It means momma WT is keeping them in mind.
Your current avatar suits you, although kinda scary. But I much preferred the 7-Up spot.
O no!!! The HQ song
by Gorbatchov innever througt there would be a jw.org hq song.. they have become mad.. https://tv.jw.org/#nl/mediaitems/latestvideos/pub-osg_40_video.
"oh, no" is right Gorby!
When I first read the song title I thought it said
"A Place That Will Bring You Paradise"
And said out loud "oh, noooooo!" Good grief!
I had to rub my eyes and read it again, it reads "Praise".
But they're actually bringing "praise" to themselves.
Indeed, it's a puke worthy narcissistic hq anthem!
Where's the JW.0RG flags?
Broadcasting january 2018: annual meeting
by Gorbatchov infor the second month no jw.org tv show, but the annual meeting this time... .
I think they're buying time while they come up with some new light content in later months. Wow, I'm really excited to see what wonderful cultic foodstuffs they're preparing for this coming banquet forcast!
</sarcasm> -
SKE, and other acronymic crap
by MTSman inso, i was sort of forced to spend time with my uber-in parents.
they went on gushing about the website, and the new business cards they have to give out to busy people.
business cards?
VAA=vast apostate army
Welcome, north central Mass. US.
Curious and creepy WT buildings in Denmark
by oppostate inall seeing eye or what?.
compare with russell's grave site pyramid and the "announcing the beginning of a new world order" pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill..
All seeing eye or what?
Compare with Russell's grave site pyramid and the "announcing the beginning of a new world order" pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill.
"This Assembly Hall in Denmark was designed and built by the Watchtower Bible and Track Society" by NoOneSpecial JW Published on 30 Sep 2017
by oppostate inthis assembly hall in denmark was designed and built by the watchtower bible and track society before drones and google earth were around.
the governing body did not count on this being exposed from the arial view.
according to the 1993 year book on denmark assembly hall.
Good point Gorbie.
What were they thinking of?
Oh the creepy-ness of WT buildings
by oppostate inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ycdi4qqhoo.
aerial view video of jehovah's witness property in denmark.
The WT uses a lot of their own architects, even sending bethelites to training and to obtain licensure. Also, they'd micromanage the heck out of a project, so how this pyramid all seeing eye got built can't be much of a coincidence.
"This Assembly Hall in Denmark was designed and built by the Watchtower Bible and Track Society" by NoOneSpecial JW Published on 30 Sep 2017
by oppostate inthis assembly hall in denmark was designed and built by the watchtower bible and track society before drones and google earth were around.
the governing body did not count on this being exposed from the arial view.
according to the 1993 year book on denmark assembly hall.
@Half banana
I was quoting the YouTube user named "No one special jw. "
I have looked into other discussions about this and it seems that not only the eye part but also the line down the middle and the rays seem to match the masonic and Russell grave designs based on pyramid and eye of Horus occultism. And I having never give n much credence to the occult connections in WT art but this and s just creepy, the blue prints would have to have been approved and I'm sure they most likely made those miniature model mock ups of what the project would look like, so yeah, very creepy stuff in my opinion.