The first time we had to do the paper and cipher game I was already Pimo. I thought about it, I pondered, ruminated and premeditated a wicked scheme. I took pencil, pen, marker and crayon, no lie, and wrote several slips in different paper slips. The figures were not too extravagant, the one in crayon was only $1 but some in pen were $120 and one for $200 which was the highest. But all figures were divisible by four.
The total of my slips was over $1000. When everything was tallied up the congregation had pledged over $3000 per month. We had had months where the contributions were less than $800 in a congregation of 93 publishers with public talks sometimes in the 120 range.
The BOE ran with the total figure though and the congregation unanimously voted to contribute it.
The first month, not even half of the amont showed up in contribution boxes, leading to a special local needs talk on the matter of contributions.