You forgot to overlap the 80.
You forgot to overlap the 80.
when one becomes filled with the knowledge of the promised earthly paradise under christ's kingdom, one wants to share it with others.
it is good news!acts 5:41, 42.. doing this is an important way of showing that you are a disciple of jesus christ.
in the bible, jesus is called "the faithful and true witness.
I don't recall Jesus ever using the words "anointed" or "great crowd" to refer to his disciples.
just scanned thru quickly,,same stuff i think mostly,,dan.
chapter 2,, world powers illustrations,,re-statements of 1914 & 607,,. by the time the lords day began.
in 1914,pg 15.
Does "Loretta" by any chance have a son in high school named "Andre" who was recently offered a full ride scholarship to Harvard after spending his Senior year successfully fending off the advances of a popular girl who was determined to seduce him?
just scanned thru quickly,,same stuff i think mostly,,dan.
chapter 2,, world powers illustrations,,re-statements of 1914 & 607,,. by the time the lords day began.
in 1914,pg 15.
And yeah, if these "experiences" are not completely fabricated, they have to at least be embellished. Your employer scouting for a new place of worship for you? For someone in "food preparation"? Are you kidding me?
just scanned thru quickly,,same stuff i think mostly,,dan.
chapter 2,, world powers illustrations,,re-statements of 1914 & 607,,. by the time the lords day began.
in 1914,pg 15.
Yeah, they've been banging on the so-called "Anglo-American World Power" since at least the 80s (remember the Rev Climax book?) and probably further back than that. I doubt they'll touch the KOTN vs KOTS again anytime soon, they're just way too clueless and I think they're cautious of throwing too much new end-times theology out there because they know how ridiculous it could potentially make them look. They're already experiencing fallout over the "overlapping generation", why make the situation worse by feeding more conjectural nonsense to an already weary, confused, and restless flock?
so my whole life i heard the phrase 'faithful and discrete slave' and never paid attention to the real meaning of "discrete".
which is weird, because i'm a bit of a word junkie.
i guess the familiarity of the expression made me mentally gloss over it somehow.
Actually "discrete" would be a more appropriate word to describe the GB since they've separated and elevated themselves above the R&F. They really aren't "discreet" at all.
i was trying to think of one teaching or doctrine that has remained consistent from the society's inception to now, and couldn't.
can you give me one?.
Jehovah will destroy the rebellious planet of Alderaan soon.
last year i purchased a corned beef package from trader joes.
i love corned beef but my husband didn't so i rarely cooked it for the family.
but trader joes was passing out samples last year, i couldn't resist and hubby decided he liked it but i'm only to buy the corned beef from trader joes.
Try Arby's Reuben with their potato cakes.
Nummy nummy...
this thread is for everybody and everybody is welcome to comment on it .
however i'm going to direct my thoughts and comments in this initial post to lurking jehovah's witnesses who may read on this board and may be sitting on the fence pondering on whether to stay in the jehovah's witnesses organization.
also to newer members who may have joined the board.. in this latest 4/15 wt in the article , " jehovah knows how to deliver his people " it conveys the thought that only the wt society ( through god's help ) will be guiding any jw's through the alleged " armageddon " considered god's war against the wicked.
This is at least the second time they've flogged the "instructions" message in the past couple of years. But it appears the only "instructions" that are forthcoming are instructions to prepare for forthcoming instructions. You know, you can bang on all day about how imminent Armageddon/The End is but when you start to explicitly mention "instructions" or "procedures" you're really in full-on cult mode. What's most frustrating is that the WT continues to do the "We're mainlining/We're more of a cult than ever" foxtrot with half their literature dedicated to putting a respectable face on JWs and half of it with insane crap like this. WT, seriously... you guys need to put up or shut up. Those of us with family still in are having a hell of a time figuring out if you're still bluffing after all these years. You do know you can't cry wolf forever, right?
would someone please explain the current interpretation of the generation.
this topic is one that is causing alot of confussion and turmoil.
jwn, you.
So very many paragraphs devoted to the exposition of one little word. Hasn't the Society said in the past that The Truth should be clear, simple, and easy to understand and explain?