Hi. Now its down again. :/.. It went up last time!
Was a GOOD site!
If anyone has the full site, please send me a pm!
Here is a txt i wrote earlier tonight.
This site.
I would really want the whole site. I only got a 700mb mirror of it..
Hope i can help some. But i hope someone has the whole maybe 4-6 GB big one.
Its good for "educucational purposes" for future generations...
And its so pathethic if "watchtower" removes their own quotes from the internet. Unbeleivable.
I sure hope the one who hosted just got out of internet or money for hosting it.!
Here is all i have.
I hope the owner of the site or someone else read this. Just send me a pm..
I will log in eventually. I rarey log in here. Soo if someone has or get the whole site or mirrored it all, please send me a pm.
Peace out.
Good for taking mirrors, while good sites are up.