The loan payments only go until Armageddon comes...
JoinedPosts by LostGeneration
by The Searcher inhow much did your congregation and its bank account get taken for?
share your horror story!.
by The Searcher inhow much did your congregation and its bank account get taken for?
share your horror story!.
So if A WATCHERs congo was to pay off the old mortgage at $1100 a month, they would have paid it off in 7.5 years.
Under the new $900 payment, it would take 9.25 years. So unless Armageddon comes before then, you get fleeced every year thereafter until Armageddon comes.
BTW, why did your elders disobey the instruction in the letter to pay what you were already paying?
Why so many unbelieving spouses?
by garyneal ini had been thinking about religion and religious services in general and perhaps i am just noticing it more because of my personal involvement but it seems that the jehovahs witness religion tends to have more incidents of mixed marriages where one partner is considered the unbelieving spouse than other religions or churches.
of course, i have not been to church is a while and even when i did go to church i found that there werent as many instances of a spouse going it alone in the church without their partner.
i guess that is partly why i got discouraged in going to church as i felt like i could only bring half my family to it.. the main thing i would like to discuss, though, is why does there seem to be a higher number of mixed marriages within this religion as opposed to other religions.
I don't think there are more mixed marriages in the JW population compared to the world.
The problem is the strain caused by one partner being a part of a cult which demands the first place in the person's life. Add to that the shit doctrine (holidays, birthdays, all unbelievers will die) and you have a recipe for disaster.
The WT Isn't Going Away (sorry got long)
by LostGeneration ini've seen more threads and comments in the last week about the "demise of the wt" than in some time.
several were on threads about the donation arrangement and how its going to backfire in some way on the wt.
oh and the lone elder who was pissed in some sort of passive-aggresive manner about it when he presented the resolution.
you guys are all basing your models based off of past years when the organization could recruit.
Far from it. They were at 6 million 20 years ago. Now they are almost at 8 million. Not that numbers really matter. They don't really care about the old days of 5 percent growth. They simply want the ship to keep on sailing, with loyalty and obedience being the top priority.
Everyone comes on here screaming about 70% of the kids leaving. And you know what that means? 30% stay, and they get to be the rock stars in the org. They can easily survive negative growth down to 5 million, as long as people contribute their money and time.
Kneehigh, do you ever go on Facebook/Instagram/twitter and read the drivel these JWs write? They are ALL IN and nothing is going to shake them free unless a pedo rapes one of their children. Its a sad fact, but they are in it for SELFISH reasons, to look good in front of their social group - and to spout off about how faithful they are to the b0RG. All kinds of blather about 'Just got back from the KH build' or 'the convention' with selfies posted all over the place. They are PROUD of it. I'll tell ya, its one thing to be stuck in the org, which was my mindset back in the day, but I never broadcast it, even at work. These tools are really, really gone - more than ever I believe.
What is your status???
by lrkr inmy family and i are planning a trip to a nice vacation area close to where my (active jw) parents and sister and brother in law live.
my family and i are not df'd, da'd or anything else- we just executed a successful fade and havent looked back.
sooo- i've expressed my interest in spending some time with them on vacation (why not- right??).
Funny and sad at the same time. Its like their brains are like a computer program searching for what to do in this situation and its a big "does not compute" loop that keeps playing in their mind.
Pretty sick when they just can't accept their family for who they are.
The WT Isn't Going Away (sorry got long)
by LostGeneration ini've seen more threads and comments in the last week about the "demise of the wt" than in some time.
several were on threads about the donation arrangement and how its going to backfire in some way on the wt.
oh and the lone elder who was pissed in some sort of passive-aggresive manner about it when he presented the resolution.
Think about this, could you run a real estate investment trust where you had the following advantages:
Tax free status
Free labor to build your buildings
Free labor to manage your buildings (RBC)
Continuous monthly stream of income, until Armageddon arrives.
"Buying power" ability to strike discounted deals on materials
No accountability, no quarterly or annual reports to investors.
No dividend to pay (other than everlasting life)
Those are the advantages I can think of in 5 minutes, I'm sure there are many more with this new real estate ploy.
They aren't going anywhere!
The WT Isn't Going Away (sorry got long)
by LostGeneration ini've seen more threads and comments in the last week about the "demise of the wt" than in some time.
several were on threads about the donation arrangement and how its going to backfire in some way on the wt.
oh and the lone elder who was pissed in some sort of passive-aggresive manner about it when he presented the resolution.
Meta- More cash? Who knows, I dont and neither do you. They just sold off a billion in real estate. They are priming the rest of their waterfront property this very minute. Could bring in another billion before they beat it upstate. As to the rest of the items, what would you do if you were running the Corp? Continue printing endless drivel for which there is no public demand. The death of print was actaully a blessing in disguise for them, the perfect excuse to get out of the business.
Vidiot - Sort of the purpose of this thread, have seen hundreds over the years predicting the demise of the WT. Yet they survive. False prophecies, UN involvement, shunning, lawsuits, shit doctrine - none of it matters! Why? Because they have a product that they don't have to deliver, everlasting life in a paradise on earth!
The point is they aren't going anywhere, so if you are 'in', you have to sack up and get out!
The WT Isn't Going Away (sorry got long)
by LostGeneration ini've seen more threads and comments in the last week about the "demise of the wt" than in some time.
several were on threads about the donation arrangement and how its going to backfire in some way on the wt.
oh and the lone elder who was pissed in some sort of passive-aggresive manner about it when he presented the resolution.
VG- False analogy, all of those items were easily replaced by newer, better items/technology. You can't replace a belief system where you also get all of your friends and family along with the package.
jook- While their doctrines are shit, I'd say their evolution over the last 3-5 years has been very smart. They have let up in very tiny ways on the time commitments of their adherents (less meeting time, shorter assemblies, etc) while slowly reaching into their pockets. Contributions have never been high as the accounts servants are reporting, so they are starting to condition the minds of the rank and file that this is going to be part of the deal from now on.
Meta - Thanks for the new title. As a quasi-apologist, I'll tell it like it is because it does active JWs no good to give them false hope that the WT is some house of cards that is going away any day now. Examples?
Twelve years ago! Today there are more JWs, the internet has probaby 50 times as much opposing content, and the WT has much more cash than they did back then. It works because the people involved in it want it to work!
Until you or I can promise them everlasting life with endless fruit platters and a petting zoo, then its going to work.
The WT Isn't Going Away (sorry got long)
by LostGeneration ini've seen more threads and comments in the last week about the "demise of the wt" than in some time.
several were on threads about the donation arrangement and how its going to backfire in some way on the wt.
oh and the lone elder who was pissed in some sort of passive-aggresive manner about it when he presented the resolution.
Kneehigh- But you have woken up. Unless someone has woken up, or they are in real financial straights, they give. May not be much, but when you multilply by a few million you run into some real cash. As to the defiance you talk about, are they leaving? No they might not go to Detroit this summer, but most will make their way to a DC in some other area, and chip off $100 bucks while attending. As long as they are under mind control that this is Gods Org, they give of time, or money, or both.
Magnum- They don't care about ideas or excitement anymore. They are a full blown cult, blind obedience and loyalty is all they want, screw intelligent thinking. The difference is they have a base of support, its just a matter of keeping the ship afloat, not growing. Hitler's quote "Tell a lie, make it a big lie, and keep repeating it". Their lie is "We are God's organization". That is all they spout in their talks and literature. And that is why they have blind adherants who keep coming back week after week, year after year. I'm not denying their growth is suspect, and may even decline slowly in the years ahead. I'm just arguing no implosion is imminent, especially with this new money scheme.
Did the GB ever receive new light without the passage of time forcing it upon them?
by Zoos in1914 did not bring the end they were hoping for so new light shone down from above and corrected their understanding.. 1925 also led to unfulfilled expectations and so new light was bestowed.. .
(i could go through all the dates and expectations... but i won't.).
what if the new light about 1914 being the year that christ returned was provided before 1914?
Some of their new light flashes are conveniently tied to people's hopes and dreams. I fully believe the intent is to keep loyal JWs in the cult by providing false hope in the "new system".
The examples I'm referring to include the hope that miscarried babies will be resurrected, and the new opportunity to be reunited with your dead spouse in the new order.
Sick pricks will tell any lie to keep people in their cult.