Its a one time grab, plus more.
Really, how much have JWs donated in the last two decades? A hall of 100 gives $500 to the WW work? That ain't shit.
The WT needed to institute a tithe without calling it a tithe. If they came out in the next Kool Aid WT and said you must donate 10% of your income, it would wake people up and they would flee in droves.
So they institute this, with plenty of cover because many halls are already paying loans. These halls are happy as clams, saying its a blessing from Jehoopla because their loan is gone! Of course because they are under mind control, they do not calculate that their loan payment has been extended until Armageddon, under the guise of a donation.
And everyone else who doesn't have a loan passes a resolution to chip off a few hundred a month, with some promise of a free KH or remodel in the future.
Where things get interesting is in the next five or ten years. Will these halls really get a remodel, or will mother just sell the property out from under them, pocket the cash, and tell them to drive an extra 5 to 25 miles to another hall?