Its not all about money, its about control.
Money is a nice side benefit.
then why would they be so insistent about dfing people ?
if it's money the watchtower org is after, it seems like they'd want to hold on to all the members they can.. how would you answer this logic?.
Its not all about money, its about control.
Money is a nice side benefit.
after the 1975 "we did not say point blank armaggeddon was coming we only suggested it might come" fiasco what is the new date jws are "hinting" at for armaggeddon?
i know now they do not point to any specific date but hint that maybe it might occur such as before 2000 the preaching work will be finished.
this is a suggestion not a prediction so they can wiggle out of this one.
They could use 2034 as a date, but you can't set it too far out, it say 15 years at the very most. Like Focus mentions, 10 years would give them maximum value in that they could probably stem the tide of those leaving significantly, and bring back some brainwashed inactives who get scared back in by relatives.
What they wouldn't get is a boost in recruiting from the outside world like they did in 75. Non witnesses can't be fooled easily now that the Debil's internet is here.
well after an almost 4 year sucessful fade including a move, they found me.
i was not home at the time, but they were asking all sorts of questions about me and my family, who lives where etc.
of course it was one of the busybody families in my former congregation.
Seriously, what if two Mormon elders came to your door asking you all kinds of personal information? You would probably say "its none of your business" and close the door.
Treat them like strangers, and give them a puzzled, annoyed look the second they ask a question that isn't any of their business.
theocratic ministry school review answer sheet of augustto give to the school overseer.
theocratic ministry school review answer sheet covering assignments for weeks of july 7 through august 25, 2014.. .
One of you guys have to read those answers straight from the sheet!
Would love to see look on the conductor's face.
most jw's don't know that they are in fact jonadabs and that in the vidication books rutherford came up with this class because he found some christians not as holy as others having part of themselves still stuck in satan's system still wanting to be wordly in some fashion.
so he came up with this class the jonadabs.
i wonder how jw's would react if they were to find this out?
I don't think they care.
They are holding out for the fruit platters and personal petting zoos.
i just wanted to get a feel for how many here have awakened to ttatt but are still carrying on some jw activities to pacify them and keep the peace.
also trying to hear from those who have left, but whose spouse has stayed in the wt and in the marriage.. for me it comes down to my own mental anguish.
i am mentally tortured by attending the meetings, yet i feel compelled to because my wife would kill me with her personality if i had her drag 2 small girls by herself there.
I just cant enjoy my day if my wife is upset, sad, or depressed. Its even worse if I was the cause of it. However torturing ourselves isnt much of an alternative.
What you need to do is seize your manhood back from the b0rg, and to a lesser extent your wife. The b0rg can say all it wants about men being the head of the house, but in reality the WTBTS is the head, the man is just another enforcer below the elder level. Women "think" they want a Watchtower man running things, but at a very primal level they want something different. You MUST break the co-dependency cycle and be able to enjoy life simply because you want to, not because your wife says it is OK to be happy today.
I'll throw a website out there for you guys who want to try a totally different method of improving yourself and your marriage. There is a free discussion board and a blog, but I really recommend the books for around $10 bucks.
Its all about becoming a man that a woman desires on a very evolutionary level, and also helps you grow personally. It also will help you be in a great spot should your marriage end, whatever the reason.
well, now they want a follow up visit!
when you tell the elders that you have doubts and they say " its okay, we have had our doubts.
having doubts is not apostasy.
A follow up meeting??? Good one. More like another anal probing session to make sure Data Dog is on board with the WTBTS program.
How about this, ask them to bring over a copy of the Finished Mystery, so you all can study the book that Jesus read before selecting the WTBTS as his mouthpiece on earth. That should shut them up for a while.
don't mind the corrections i made with some of the quotes, the wt obviously doesn't proofread for accuracy.
under the article about "are you convinced you have the truth" they say this about disfellowshippings...... "thus, during the modern-day history of jehovahs witnesses, relatively few many have had to be been expelled from the christian fellowship because they would not conform to gods the governing body's standards.
this is a good one!....under an article about reaching out, (since they need to replace all those waking up, they give some tips on how to get promoted), my favorite quote..... "love all the work you are given to do in the congregation, including sweeping the floor.".
Not that the WT is any bastion of thinking these days, but that article as a whole is one of the worst I've seen in a long, long time.
as a currently serving "awake" elder caught in the web of family, spouse, employer, etc.
etc..... i have often wondered why an elder cannot simply drop back to ministerial servant if he so desired (because of stress, circumstances, health).. on paper a currently serving elder in good standing more than qualifies to be a ms. that is obviously the case by their own hierarchy structure and definitions of qualification.. but...under their current arrangement....theoretically a man could give a district convention talk one week to 10,000 people, step down as an elder the following day due to stress, and not "qualify" to give a 5 min part on the next week's service meeting in front of 50 people.
doesn't make a lot of sense.. so my question is this.....why do you think the wt forces a man to drop all the way "down" to publisher if he no longer wants to serve as an elder?.
My guess is that lots of elders would start asking to move down if that was an option. It would tell the rest of the JWs that he did nothing wrong, which is what they want JWs to think (if even subconsciously) if an elder is deleted right now.
was wondering if anyone attended the seattle intl convention and what it was like?
saw some pics from instagram, seems like quite the.
big production for sure!
Was Lett as goofy as he usually is?
I'm sure he was puttin' on quite a show with 40,000 sitting at attention.