That was a wake up call for me, when I had those parts and had to try to find an "experience" from one of the pioneers in the congo.
When the best experiences were always "nice conversations" i realized I was participating in a circle jerk.
the elder was just giddy with excitement!
20,000 hours put in!
14,000 tracts and brochures!
That was a wake up call for me, when I had those parts and had to try to find an "experience" from one of the pioneers in the congo.
When the best experiences were always "nice conversations" i realized I was participating in a circle jerk.
the latest wtaf dub convention video...enjoy.
That sign, smh.
i know they're called exes for a reason, but my ex-gf and i had repaired our relationship which had been ruined due to my awakening.
she had stopped talking to me for months after the elders told her no to associate with anyone who disagrees with the "slave.
" of course since she has her own doubts and she still loves me, she eventually began talking to me again.
Tell her that apostate picture would have been more accurate if they had a sign with "" on it.
it's definitely on their minds.
i attended a funeral recently and a jw told me that the person who died almost made it to the 100 year anniversary of the birth of the kingdom.. curious what comments like this you've heard in your area?.
(and can't wait for november!).
They have done a masterful job of owning the lie. Propoganda 101.
okay, so its no secret that many of us are hoping to see the downfall of the wtbts (or at least a mass exodous of jws away from them anyway).
i was wondering if you had any thoughts on what this might look like?.
we all know that most every jw has their doubts, large and small, but is afraid to speak due to the illusion of unanimity and self censorship .
Its not going anywhere.
140 years of delusional tripe and yet it still grows.
Their product isn't offered by apostates, we don't have a bottle of everlasting life in exchange for their time. A certain segment of the population will do anything to avoid death.
just finished reading "who wrote the bible" ( richard e friedman) ?
made for a fascinating read.
the machinations of the various factions of levites and their efforts at centralizing the jewish religion has been adroitly duplicated by the gb.
Been meaning to read that one for ages, thanks for the reminder.
Probably a bit more scholarly than the SI book.
click "premium download".
Thank you bandit, you saved my computer from actually having to download that drivel.
i was a jw for many years.
during those years i learned how to identify a false religion.
all the other religions were easy to prove false.
I’m still standing alone. I am still
a servant of Jehovah
You do know thats a made up name, right?
idk if waking up has been good for me.
i still have almost no friends.
im still waiting to graduate this december to qualify n b certified for my job.
Were you truly happy or were things just stable and predictable?
That's my experience. Everything was predictable because I and the family followed the rules and regulations of the WTBTS. But I wasn't truly happy, nor were other members of my family.
And I'm still paying the consequences of failing at being a Witness
This is how a cults operate, make it so painful for someone to leave oftentimes makes them not even consider the possibility of getting out.
Hang in, healing takes some time.
i am comparing what an average jw feels (who knows nothing about ttatt) to another jw who knows the ttatt.
let's label the first jw as jw-a and the other jw-b.
please feel free to share your thoughts.. it's normal for positive emotions to rise (e.g.
I felt exactly like you did as JW-A before waking up to TTATT. And I'm sure 95% of other JWs do/did as well. So what conclusion does that lead us to? That the WT society programs the troops to think/feel this way, its exactly what they want from those feasting from the fine spiritual provisions they offer.
For them, "works" equals field service 90% of the time. The only other way to show your allegiance to God was cleaning the KH or working RBC. No other charitable "works" mean a thing because they aren't advancing the goals or the bottom line of the WTS.
What can you say to JW-A’s positive feelings of happiness, content and security?
I go back to the old ignorace is bliss saying, they don't think about the deeper issues going on because they've already been given the solution - Armageddon! Most are simply content in feeling they are a special sheep, chosen by Jah to do his work in these last days. Of course they the carrot dangling out there of everlasting life makes things run a little more smoothly if you are an active JW.