But to say that they contributed to the deaths in Malawi for instance, is just preposterous in my opinion
Then you need to read up on what really happened there.
I am curious about what the actual facts are on that last one but I doubt its countless (re Suicides)
Plenty of stories posted on here and other boards. Easily countless.
Broken families? Do we live in the world of leave it to beaver? Family break up in all walks of life. Some family members don't speak because of differing political views. I know a lot of witnesses that didn't shun their family members like they should have and some that went overboard.
Who makes the decision in the "world" not to speak to another family member. The individual. Maybe its justified, maybe its not. In WT world the directive comes from the fuckers in expensive suits who claim to be the Brothers of Christ. Very little latitude is given to the individual in the decision making process, and its backed up by threats from the same bastards who will DF you as well if you associate with your own family.
even if the GB are a bunch of narcissistic wannabe powerful guys, imho, the worse thing they have done is wake up people on saturday mornings.
Oh and contributed to more deaths than Jim Jones could even dream of, but I guess that's OK in your world because they are "good peeps"
I am NOT saying that lives could not be saved with a transfusion.
So you do get that lives would have been saved, but just before you said the GB was guilty of only one sin, waking people up on Saturday mornings. Caught ya.