Generation X started in 1901 and will continue to those being born in 2051. Any other questions, just ask.
the GB
just another log on the "generation" fire....... i was researching the term "generation x" and its basically agreed upon that it is a term used for the group born between 1961 to 1981.. the generation before that in the usa, called the "baby boomers" was slightly shorter.. what is interesting is that gen x is also referred to in the usa as the 13th generation - counting back to the founding of the country in the 1770's.. so, again...... why is the wt telling us that a generation can span for decade after decade, crossing centuries???????.
"the watchtower - confusing the hell out of you since 1877!
Generation X started in 1901 and will continue to those being born in 2051. Any other questions, just ask.
the GB
i'll write a question and you write an answer suitable for the questions from readers.. or, heck- change my question to suit your needs like wts does anyway.. here's the question from this reader:.
now that we clearly understand that the lives of the anointed who saw the events in 1914 must evidently overlap with the lives of the anointed who see the beginning of the great tribulation, what does this mean about the time left?.
Jehovah is the great timekeeper. Everything he does is done in its appointed time. Today, we do well to remember the words of Jesus, when he said not to speculate at to the time of the end “as for the day and the hour, only the Father knows.” Yet, today Jehovah today has appointed a “faithful and discreet slave” and uses this “channel of communication” to reveal advancing light in these critical times.
Increasing light today has been revealed to the “faithful slave” in that we now know exactly what Jesus was referring to in his comments about “this generation” when speaking to his disciples. Rather than a generation comprising a group of people living at the same time, “this generation” refers to those whose lifespans may overlap at any given time. Thus, we do well to consider the generation of anointed ones living in 1914 when Christ established kingdom power, and the same generation now living today. With this in mind, what should be our viewpoint as to the imminence of the “great day of God the Almighty?”
Some of Jehovah’s people today may be tempted to speculate that the revealing of this advancing light might mean that Armageddon couild be far off. Such thinking would be shortsighted, and could possible reveal a selfish inclination. After all, adding 80 years from 1914 to another 80 years from 1994 would take us to the year 2074. Surely Jehovah God would not permit this wicked system of things to continue for such a long period of time after the establishment of his heavenly kingdom in 1914!
A more reasonable timetable for this overlapping generation would be 60 or 70 years as mentioned in the book of Psalms. An anointed one born someone early 20th century would have received his heavenly reward already. Similarly, anointed ones born more toward the middle of the 20th century would still be in faithful service today but could have enjoyed many years serving alongside those who witnessed the birth of God’s Kingdom in 1914. An interesting comparison to the life saving work being done today can be drawn from the example of Noah.
According to Genesis, Noah preached 120 years before Jehovah brought an end to that wicked system of things through the flood. Will Jehovah permit this system to endure 120 years from the establishment of his Kingdom? We are wise not to speculate on such matters, but instead should continue to look to God’s “faithful slave” to provide us necessary information on surviving these last days.
Only those who entered into the Ark were saved. Today, Jehovah has built a figurative Ark for us to enter into. Only those who find shelter in Jehovah’s organization today can expect to survive the imminent end of this wicked system. We do well to continue to maintain our sense of urgency by keeping on the watch, showing that we are keeping up with advancing light and following the leadings of holy spirit.
Okay....I lifted that last sentence almost word for was just too easy
from, here is the new definition of the generation from the april 15, 2010 watchtower.. .
article: holy spirits role in the outworking of jehovahs purpose.
13 third, holy spirit is at work in bringing bible.
Some Dictionary definitions of "generation" I guess they didn't look it up before writing the article, just made up their own definition
1. | the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time: the postwar generation. |
2. | the term of years, roughly 30 among human beings, accepted as the average period between the birth of parents and the birth of their offspring. |
3. | a group of individuals, most of whom are the same approximate age, having similar ideas, problems, attitudes, etc. |
4. | a group of individuals belonging to a specific category at the same time: Chaplin belonged to the generation of silent-screen stars. |
5. | a single step in natural descent, as of human beings, animals, or plants. |
6. | a form, type, class, etc., of objects existing at the same time and having many similarities or developed from a common model or ancestor: a new generation of computers. |
7. | the offspring of a certain parent or couple, considered as a step in natural descent. |
8. | the act or process of generating; procreation. |
9. | the state of being generated. |
10. | production by natural or artificial processes; evolution, as of heat or sound. |
11. | Biology .
12. | Mathematics . the production of a geometrical figure by the motion of another figure. |
13. | Physics . one of the successive sets of nuclei produced in a chain reaction. |
14. | (in duplicating processes, as photocopying, film, etc.) the distance in duplicating steps that a copy is from the original work. |
from, here is the new definition of the generation from the april 15, 2010 watchtower.. .
article: holy spirits role in the outworking of jehovahs purpose.
13 third, holy spirit is at work in bringing bible.
All of this would be hilarious if it weren't for the fact these men are holding so many of beloved family members captive to their delusional visions of grandeur.
from, here is the new definition of the generation from the april 15, 2010 watchtower.. .
article: holy spirits role in the outworking of jehovahs purpose.
13 third, holy spirit is at work in bringing bible.
we cannot measure the exact length of “this
generation,” we do well to keep in mind several
things about the word “generation”: It usually refers
to people of varying ages whose lives overlap during
a particular time period; it is not excessively long;
and it has an end.
It usually refers to people of varying ages whose lives overlap? According to who? Do twenty five year olds consider senior citizens part of their generation? Does the baby boomer generation consider teenagers a part of theirs? You have got to be kidding.....
How, then, are we to
understand Jesus’ words about “this generation”?
He evidently meant that the lives of the anointed
who were on hand when the sign began to become
evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other
anointed ones who would see the start of the great
This part makes me sick....first they ask "How are we to understand" They have tried to explain their understanding of this for 100 years, with several modifications of their "understanding" Each and every one has been 100% wrong. They they go on with one of their favorites "evidently" Absolutely laughable that they take credit for knowing exactly what Jesus was explaining.
By maintaining your sense of
urgency and keeping on the watch, you show that
you are keeping up with advancing light and following
the leadings of holy spirit.
Translation: Do more, shutup and keep following us and our advancing light. Following holy spirit? Puuuuuuleeeeeeaaasssssse...
suppose a gb member is perusing the god forsaken internet(dirty word to a gb) and he stumbles on this site or randy's free mind site and his faith in the god almighty wt organization gets crushed beyond all repair.
say he's one of the younger bucks on that body and that he's only 65 years old.
and he well knows what happened to raymond franz.. what kind of turmoil will he be faced with?
"Some people will go to bizarre lengths to avoid inconsistency between their cherished beliefs and the facts."
I lifted this quote from this article on cognative dissonance. I believe each GB member must suffer from this condition. Why? Because as other have already mentioned, they already know all of the arguments against their teachings. Shoot, Ray Franz knew of the 607 but did he leave immediately? No, but eventually the burden of too many lies became too much for him to bear. Every JW knows deep in the back of their mind that there is something not quite right with this religion. But what are the consequences of exploring those doubts? Loss of family, loss of friends, and of course the realization that they were fooled. Also it would mean that they spent "x" number of years promoting lies, not truth. The burdens of these facts are too much for most to bear, or even consider.
All of us here have faced the same battle in sorting out lies and truth. We came to realize that truth is something we need to figure out for ourselves, not something we are told by 9 guys in Brooklyn with a phone line up to their version of the Almighty. Some have the "balls" so to speak to figure it out for themselves, consequences be damned. Others are happy just being comfortable with the routine prescribed for them, no matter how ridiculous it is when examined closely against the facts.
It is sad for me to watch in many cases, I wish I had a magic pill to snap people out of the mind controlled funk they are in. But in the end, we all have a brain, the degree in which we choose to use it varies.
...but since neither of these long-lived ladies were witnesses, jehovah would have destroyed them anyway.
may they rest in peace.
monday, december 21, 2009.
Wasn't Ann Nixon Cooper the one rumored to be a JW?
branches 118. .
lands reporting 236. .
total congregations 105298. .
Hours in FS for one baptism: 5,639. The first century Christians would be embarrassed to be associated with this bunch.
let's think about the subtle effects of the watchtower's newfound appeals for money.
traditionally, the society avoids doing anything that might expose the reality of how much of a facade the whole thing is.
they fear incidents that undermine their carefully crafted image of invunerability - and, indeed, the reality is much different.. beyond deceiving the witlesses in general, there is another reason for care because they must deceive themselves.
Metatron- I agree it will be a brand that slowly fades away. Its similar to caretaker management with a mature product that slowly fades from the scene. As long as management can milk some money out of it, they will ride that horse until it dies. Of course most companies today have one CEO, who is supposed to make the bold decisions needed to invigorate the company. The WT corporation now operates with 9 or more CEOs, and they have to have a 2/3 vote to pass things through. That in itself makes it impossible for fresh or new ideas to be adopted.
seems the 2010 yearbook is out now in audio.
it's reported there was an 8.7% increase in memorial partakers to 10,857 in 2009, up from 9,986 in 2008.. worldwide publishers for the 2008/09 service year increased 3.2%, to 7,619,270 publishers.. thanks to information posted by possible-san at the end of this thread:.
Holy Holy Holy is W A C