Been there. Done that. Sucks for sure....but you will be better for it in the long run
JoinedPosts by LostGeneration
Definitely getting DF'ed now
by notverylikely incame out as an apostate to the wife, came out about the depression, anger at being second fiddle in her life to 9 old guys in brooklyn, came out about having turned atheist, came out about the indiscrections, the tobacco use, everything.. fuck.
Are JW's Dangerous? Youtube Mirror of WTComments video
by OnTheWayOut in
Here is a good thread where a poster has put these points to the test and shown how JWs use ALL of them.
Are JW's Dangerous? Youtube Mirror of WTComments video
by OnTheWayOut in
Cold Steel, Have you considered what the foremost expert on cults has to say on the subject? JW's fit 90% of these points. Four Aspects of Mind Control (as it relates to people in cults) 1) INFORMATION CONTROL:- Important information which is available to the general public is withheld from members and potential members.
- Deception is the basic feature of all cult recruitment. It is also what keeps people inside cults.
- Information is one of the best weapons against cults.
- In cults information about the cult's history, purposes, doctrines, financial disclosures, methods of dealing with problems, counseling, training, and discipline for offenses are kept as confidentail as possible.
- Only those members with trusted status are allowed inside information.
2) THOUGHT CONTROL:- "Truth" and reality are distorted for those inside the group by subtly changing the definitions of common terms with new meanings through the use of code words, cliches, and slogans.
- Different words make the members feel special and separate from outsiders.
- These different words confuse outsiders who want to understand what the group believes and talks about.
- The change in definitions of significant words keeps even the members from understanding their own beliefs.
- Leaders of cults repress questions by conditioning their members to employ "thought-stopping" statements, prayers, hymns, Bible verses, mantras, tongues or rituals to drown out doubt, questions, anxiety or uncertainty. "I can't think about that." "How can you question (the leaders) after all they have done?" etc. The intention is to stop questions regarding the system or leaders.
- The word "faith" is employed in a negative sense. Members are conditioned to view "faith" in terms of blind submission to the leaders, rather than positive certainity in God's love.
- Members are conditioned to feel guilty for any curiosity about what is going on within the group; curiosity is a lack of faith. (Therefore, even after some people leave a mind control group, they may be afraid to examine information which explains the background of their old belief system.)
- Typically, the word "grace" has a different meaning from the Biblical use. The "God" of the group is also different from the God of the Bible. God is defined by, and eventually becomes the group.
3) EMOTION CONTROL:- Guilt, fear and shame are projected onto the members, prompting blame toward themselves for their depression, lack of understanding, anxiety, or inability to cope, rather than examining the leaders, the group's policies, history, doctrines, scandals, and at times, even crimes.
- Phobic attitudes or behaviors are sometimes noticeable when attempts are made to converse with members regarding their belief in the group or its leaders.
- Fear, anger, rage or repetitious statements which only go in circles keep the members from thinking through to any rational conclusions.
- Fear of confrontation with family is common, resulting in very few people being rescued.
- Tight control of behavior secures the leaders' position of authority and importance.
- The behavior control impresses members and outsiders to view the group as especially spiritual or successful.
- The leaders link the required behavior to their special "revelation" of a text of scripture. However the required behaviors are usually superficial controls, affecting appearances and outward activity rather than inward character. These can include grooming, daily activities, career choices, clothing, specific technology, posture, speech mannerisms, food choices, recreation, education, even decisions about marriage, sex and children. (They usually do not deter moral sin.)
- If a person does not conform, he may be urged to become more like an older group member; to follow the leaders' "example".
- The leaders cannot totally control one's inner thoughts, but if they can command behavior, hearts and minds will usually follow.
- The behavior control isolates the members from society even more effectively.
A question for all Jehovah's Witnesses on here who truly believe
by Quillsky infirstly, i know that there are some really bright witnesses.
achievers, thinkers - it was partly my admiration for people like you that kept me in for so long.. "brother peter is such an intelligent man, he couldn't be wrong", was the way i thought.
i'm sure others felt the same way.
If they have been on this board for any period of time, they are only still in for one reason, to avoid the shunning.
Jehovah's Witnesses on Facebook
by slimboyfat ini am surprised how many active jws there are on facebook.. has the society ever put anything in print discouraging facebook in particular?
would someone on facebook be viewed as "weak spiritually"?.
was facebook named in outlines of convention talks?
It is another tool of the interwebs that will lead to their slow demise. I don't think anything has been put in print yet saying "stay off of facebook" but with these recent Watchtowers, the GB is flexing their muscle. I hope they do print that, but for now its simply the usual convention fodder, one of the "things of Satan's world" that they rail against. My bet is that there will be something in print in a WT within the next year strongly warning against "social networks" but they won't say FB, twitter, or myspace specifically. Most JWs will drop their accounts, but a few will be woken up by the expanding control the GB wants to exercise and leave.
In the long run, its just another finger they are sticking in the dyke.
Armageddon -- Are we there yet?
by FatFreek 2005 insometimes a child (dennis the menace) can ask embarassing questions in the presence of an adult who doesn't have a clue (the infamous pointy-haired boss).. len.
Better happen quick....wait too much longer and people will be living to 150, cures will be found for diseases, and the worldwide standard of living will continue to rise...
Oh well, I guess Jah could just "confuse the languages" again!
What Benefit in Preaching the Good News of the Kingdom?
by wannabe inwhat benefit in preaching the good news of the kingdom?.
anyone reading this following scripture would quite naturally conclude that this preaching work mentioned here is authorized by jehovah god; and by all appearances one would believe it would be.
the question is, is it really authorized by jehovah?
Here is their good news:
Become a slave to the WT corporation- do everything they say. Pursue none of your own interests, only do or do not do whatever they say.
Watch as billions get slaughtered at the big "A"
Clean up a massive mess for hundreds of years.
Teach billions WT doctrine for a few more hundred years.
Watch at the final test as billions get slaughtered again. (This one they don't really tell you about, but if follow their logic to its end I cannot reach any other conclusion)
Enter the everlasting petting zoo.
If that isn't good enough for ya, then maybe you just don't deserve to be a JW.
Funny statement about DVD replacing Proclaimers book on DC
by Gorbatchov inlast weekend i attended the dc.
i had special interest in the closing speech about "this generation".. the bethel speaker told us he lost track after the publication of the watchtower in 2008 about "this generation" and concluded that "this generation" can overlap only 1 time.
he stated that there is an absolute time limitation of "this generation".
It will also replace it because they don't want any more JWs digging into the proclaimers book and findings admissions like 1874
It's amazing how many things in the publications and even talks are opinion but made to appear as fact.
by Crisis of Conscience inat the convention recently, i can remember different reasons being given as to why the end is near.
pick whatever one suits you best but basically it goes, 'because this and that has happened, the end is ever closer.'.
well here are some of my ridiculous opinions stated as fact, just to prove a point.. if you put pepperoni on pizza, there is no way a person will reject it.
It is very much about perspective....
For many years most of us believed we lived in a special time in the worlds history....
The argument goes like this:
Things are really bad...worse than they have ever been. Just look at how bad they are. People getting killed. Wars. Diseases like Aids. Crime.
(No perspective here, things are actually much better overall for more people than they have ever been)
Then take some scriptures like 1 Tim 3:1-5 and apply. Re-apply. Re-apply x 100 each and every year. Reinforce this idea by requiring suggesting that the only people you associate with believe the exact same thing about how special this time of the end is. How you have been collectively chosen to preach the end of the world together and save souls. How your own neck is on the line daily based on how you act, look, and even think. Tactics like this make them fearful to even consider another perspective, as it means death.
Most of us have family still in...This is how they think on a day to day basis. They really are under mind control and the OP's point about opinions being facts holds true each and every time our loved ones attend a meeting, go in service, read a WT, or say a prayer to Jehovah.
The continuous reinforcement and application of these opinions as fact is why this outfit is successful. Without any real perspective, its almost impossible for active JWs to see it any other way.
what was the worst advice given to you while you were a JW ?
by wasblind inmine's was, if your job interfere with the meetings you have to decide who you will choose,.
serving jehovah or serving man, if anyone knew my needs it most definitely was jehovah.
and he knew i needed my job to eat.
Man CHG, what a joke those elders were. Its just such a pile of bull that whenever there isn't at WT article on how to deal with a situation (like a loser taking off leaving his wife with a boatload of debt and problems) their answer is to do nothing (wait on Jehovah) Is that really the solution to everything in nothing....Its like saying "No, no, don't use your brain and do what any rational person would do...wait for the skydaddy to swoop in and save your a$$"