Its a loyalty test, and of course has the side benefit of raking in a couple billion bucks.
The elites will go work and be praised back home as self sacrificing. Extra days of everlasting life to be earned there for the true believers.
i am truly chocked and baffled by the number of volunteers they got for this project; especially in the states.
looking at one of their articles on the matter, they stated that a large portion of the printing work was delegated to other locations than ny, thus, they did not need as much space as they did in ny.
also, it was stated that operation cost in nyc were expensive.
Its a loyalty test, and of course has the side benefit of raking in a couple billion bucks.
The elites will go work and be praised back home as self sacrificing. Extra days of everlasting life to be earned there for the true believers.
let's pretend this might happen.
im not asking what it will mean for the jdubs or for the organization, but what will it mean for you---- if one day you wake up and the watchtower drops the 1914 doctrine.. (you know at some point they have to, but probably not our lifetime).
if you are disfellowshipped or disassociated and have been shunned by your parents, by your children, by you spouse or ex-husband/wife, for years or even less, will you call your relatives and ask/tell them;.
You know at some point they have to, but probably not our lifetime
I really don't think so, they've tied themselves to it for I'm guessing at least 50 years with Overlapping Generations. Liars don't stop lying.
i noticed on the october issue of the awake magazine a much softer stance on the big bang theory.
now, i'm not sure if officially the org was ever against this theory ( i did not find much on this), but i do recall on a congregation level, there was constant mockery from jws about the idea that universe was the result of a big initial explosion.. we now see a softer position on this.
as the org now explains:.
I don't think anyone is steering the ship as to WTF they actually believe about anything that has to do with science. Not so surprising when you consider the educational level of the average WT writer.
They are getting their asses handed to them on the subject, as kids grow up and leave the b0rg based on scientific evidence. I'm sure its getting back to them at HQ that people learn about evolution, the big bang, all the rest and thus leave Jehobo. So they throw stuff out via the Awake and hope it sticks to the wall. Of course most of it is made up as they go along, like the recent stuff about "not being creationists". OK, whatever.
has anyone here gone nuclear on their spouse and, all of a sudden, came out in the open as a jw opposer?.
by this i mean, sitting them down and saying: i no longer want to be a jw anymore, do not want to go to meetings or preaching anymore!
and, what has happened in the relationship after that?.
I notice it is the guys that have gone nuclear and it seems easier than if it is the woman that does it. Correct me if wrong on this.
I wouldn't say that from reading this board for more than five years, its completely random IMHO. If you haven't laid any sort of a foundation (meaning dropping hints, asking hard questions, making it known you don't agree with everything that is spewed from the podium and in the mags) its going to really blindside them and you can expect the worst.
But if you have done this, I think at some point there is nothing wrong with putting your foot down. Not "going nuclear" in a rage, but simply saying "Im not going anymore and this is why." Maybe pick a time when you know something completely out of whack is coming, like a WT study where they promote something really offensive. Good luck whatever you decide.
a question for those still attending i guess but are all these new broadcasts advertised to the the rank and file or is it more of a background thing?.
i'm wondering because i just can't believe my 70 year old die-hard jw mum would ever see them if she wasn't sat down in front of a screen and someone clicked 'play' for her.
i really want her to see the wizards behind the curtain.
new broadcasts
May I nominate for funniest line of 2015??? Well done, sir.
another "generation" thread....i know!
when splane wanted a scripture that demonstrated the bible's use of the word he went all the way back to moses and used ex.
1.6. he could have stayed in the same book and used matthew chapter 1,written by the same hand.
Ass clowns won't let 1914 go, that's why they come up with stuff like this.
Course who am I to complain, they are creating "apostates" every day by shoveling this garbage down the throats of the rank and file.
when i left in march officially i started reading the forums here.
i had this excitement that more people would be leaving soon because of the crazy broadcasts, the crazy "new light" that the gb was dishing out, and more recently the australian royal commission lighting up geoffrey.
this past saturday i had an elder stop by to chat for the first time since i left.
There won't be a stampede to get out of the door.
They offer everlasting life in a paradise earth with endless panda petting, we can't compete with that.
my name is jack and i'm looking for after death communications from the jehovah witness community.
an after death communication (or adc) is when a loved one sends a kind of message to this side of life after their death.
it can be a dream or smell (like perfume or roses that would be attached to them in memory) or a feeling of their presence.
Most of us here are ex JW, so we aren't what you would consider a good sample of the JW population.
That said, you will not find JWs that will admit to such things anyway. Their belief is that once a person dies, they are dead and have no ability to communicate with the living in any way. Many would believe that if such a communication occurred, it would be a demon posing as their loved one, and they would freak out about it.
hello all, i would like to first say that i am basically questioning my faith in god.
i am not negative towards the wt at all.
so honestly i am to concerned with more ad hominem attacks towards the wt because i still love the organization and the people in it.
But to say that they contributed to the deaths in Malawi for instance, is just preposterous in my opinion
Then you need to read up on what really happened there.
I am curious about what the actual facts are on that last one but I doubt its countless (re Suicides)
Plenty of stories posted on here and other boards. Easily countless.
Broken families? Do we live in the world of leave it to beaver? Family break up in all walks of life. Some family members don't speak because of differing political views. I know a lot of witnesses that didn't shun their family members like they should have and some that went overboard.
Who makes the decision in the "world" not to speak to another family member. The individual. Maybe its justified, maybe its not. In WT world the directive comes from the fuckers in expensive suits who claim to be the Brothers of Christ. Very little latitude is given to the individual in the decision making process, and its backed up by threats from the same bastards who will DF you as well if you associate with your own family.
even if the GB are a bunch of narcissistic wannabe powerful guys, imho, the worse thing they have done is wake up people on saturday mornings.
Oh and contributed to more deaths than Jim Jones could even dream of, but I guess that's OK in your world because they are "good peeps"
I am NOT saying that lives could not be saved with a transfusion.
So you do get that lives would have been saved, but just before you said the GB was guilty of only one sin, waking people up on Saturday mornings. Caught ya.
Oh this really needs to get in front of JW eyes.