Posts by Titus
If I talk to an elder like this, would I get into trouble?
by asilentone in"i do not think you are appointed by the holy spirit".
Banned Book From The Bible
by frankiespeakin in
I shall not talk about Judas', or Thomas' Gospels, since I don't know anyting about them.
But, I know literally EVERYTHING about The Book of Enoch. And believe me, I know what I am talking about.
The problem with TBE is not just a content of the book, but some deeper issues...
OKAY, it has its place in the ancient literature, but not among the divinely inspired books.
No, I don't wanna discourage you from wasting your time....
Have a nice time in reading of "Enoch"!
Volume 3 and 6 Elijah and Elisha ; Merariism
by juancarloshg ini'm still doing a thorough investigation of the history of the movement of jehovah's witnesses and i need one of these books.
i would appreciate it if they send me.. the laymen, s home missionary movement has published some books during the schism of 1918. epifhany studies in the scriptures:.
volume 1-17, particularly.
Missing/damaged sermons:
So, if you can fix it, I would be very grateful.
Thank you.
Volume 3 and 6 Elijah and Elisha ; Merariism
by juancarloshg ini'm still doing a thorough investigation of the history of the movement of jehovah's witnesses and i need one of these books.
i would appreciate it if they send me.. the laymen, s home missionary movement has published some books during the schism of 1918. epifhany studies in the scriptures:.
volume 1-17, particularly.
RR, where I can download Pastor Russell's Sermons in mp3? I mean, that is on your website, but some sermons are damaged (49, 50, and some others 13 files...).
Can you repair it, please?
Banned Book From The Bible
by frankiespeakin in
I translated complete Book of Enoch in my language, and I know every single word from those silly book.
Believe me, that book is full of nonsenses, bullocks, and absurdities. So it is reasonable to ban that book.
OK, if you want, you can read it, and watch this videos, but I think it is just waste of time.
Commentary on the Letter of James
by lepermessiah inzoiks inspired this thread when he mentioned this book elsewhere.. i have read other threads on this forum about it, but i always enjoy the fresh insight on here.. commentary on the letter of james was always my favorite book from wtbs, partly because i love the book of james, but also because it was one of the books that dealt with more practical christian living than constant wt doctrine.. i mentioned to a number of people that i loved that book, and got a few comments of "well, you know that book was written by an apostate.".
it didnt take me long to do a little math - that book came out i believe in 1979/1980, right around the time of the great purge.
how could someone write such an excellent book and then be branded an apostate just a few months later???.
I don't really know. I didn't compare it.
Commentary on the Letter of James
by lepermessiah inzoiks inspired this thread when he mentioned this book elsewhere.. i have read other threads on this forum about it, but i always enjoy the fresh insight on here.. commentary on the letter of james was always my favorite book from wtbs, partly because i love the book of james, but also because it was one of the books that dealt with more practical christian living than constant wt doctrine.. i mentioned to a number of people that i loved that book, and got a few comments of "well, you know that book was written by an apostate.".
it didnt take me long to do a little math - that book came out i believe in 1979/1980, right around the time of the great purge.
how could someone write such an excellent book and then be branded an apostate just a few months later???.
"Well, you know that book was written by an apostate."
One Gilead graduate told me the same thing when I said that I am studying that book. I can't believe that that book is still on the WT-Library CD.
To those working against the W.T from the inside,
by acolytes into those working against the w.t from the inside.. are you not still forced from without to conform, and from within to rebel, therefore any compromise is related within the confines of conformity.
therefore is not your protest set by the society and its social order you have allowed be erected before you?.
Thank you, HD.
Watchtower cleans out Kingdom Hall Library's ...
by RR inlast night i got a call from a chap in the uk, who recently left the jw's.
he wanted to compare notes with his us counterparts.. he said that a few years ago, (i think about 2 years ago) the society cleaned out all the literature from every kingdom hall, particularly russell and rutherford books and anything prior to 1950. giving each hall a computer with the watchtower cd rom for them to use for research.
he wanted to know if the same was done in the states.
Many things are written, but even more things is just said.
I know that our KH library benefits nobody, because nobody uses it. Even our bethel library is just for decoration.
Does anybody here know where I can find old Golden Age/Consolation/Awake magazines in PDF?
I try to find complete years, not just some issues. And, yeah, I don't wanna buy it from ResearchApplicationsInc...
Does anybody know where I can find it for free? Thanks!
Watchtower cleans out Kingdom Hall Library's ...
by RR inlast night i got a call from a chap in the uk, who recently left the jw's.
he wanted to compare notes with his us counterparts.. he said that a few years ago, (i think about 2 years ago) the society cleaned out all the literature from every kingdom hall, particularly russell and rutherford books and anything prior to 1950. giving each hall a computer with the watchtower cd rom for them to use for research.
he wanted to know if the same was done in the states.
Where did you find 250 sets of SitS??????????????????
That is totally 1750 books.
Do you live in house or in library?