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It is not the NWT alone who translate proskyneo as
"obeisance," or other, as for example in Heb. 1.6, where
Christ is spoken of:
“ And let them bow before him --all messengers of
God” (Young's Literal Translation)
‘ Now let all messengers of God honour him ’ (Ferrar
Fenton Translation)
“ And let all the angels of God pay him homage”
(George R. Noyes New Testament)
“ And all of God's messengers should bow down to
him.” (A Non-Ecclesiastical NT, Frank Daniel)
“ And prostrate yourselves to him all God's angels” (21 st Century New Testament)
“ And let do obeisance to him all angels of God”
(The Apostolic Bible Polyglot)
“ and let all God's angels do him reverence ” (The
Bible in Living English , Steven T. Byington)
“ Let all the angels of God bow down before him .”
(Open English Bible)
“ And let all the angels of God bow down to him ”
(Riverside New Testament , William G. Ballantine)
“ Dénle homenaje [ Give him homage ] todos los
ángeles de Dios [all angels of God] ” (Pablo
“ Let all the messengers of God bow low before
him.”(2001 Translation - An American English
“ And let all the messengers of God bow down in
deference to him.” (CGV, Joseph Morovich)
“ Let all the angels of God bow down before him ”
(Twentieth Century New Testament)
“ Let all God’s angels kneel before him.” (Cotton
Patch Version, Clarence Jordan)
“ And let all God's angels bow before him ” (Edgar J.
Goodspeed New Testament)
“ Et que tous les anges de Dieu lui rendent
hommage [And let all angels of God pay him
homage]” (French Darby Bible)
“ And let all God's angels pay him homage” (The
Authentic New Testament , Hugh J. Schonfield)
“ Before him shall bow all messengers of God”
(Andy Gaus New Testament)
“ Let all God's angels pay him homage ” (Revised
English Bible)
“ And may all the angels pay homage to him”
(Heinz W. Cassirer's New Testament)
“ Let all the angels of God pay him homage ” (New
Jerusalem Bible)
Quotes taken from :