The Searcher: "If God could appear as a man called Jesus nearly 2000 years ago, what stopped Him from performing the same materialisation 1500 years earlier, and why did He lie to Moses saying that it wasn't possible? (Exodus 33:20)"
Good point!
the trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
The Searcher: "If God could appear as a man called Jesus nearly 2000 years ago, what stopped Him from performing the same materialisation 1500 years earlier, and why did He lie to Moses saying that it wasn't possible? (Exodus 33:20)"
Good point!
listening to clips of the latest manipulative video from the watchtower i realised how much i detest that word - jehovah.. sometimes i have thought it would be interesting to observe a meeting or part of a convention.
every time i heard that word i would be unable to stay in my seat.. i have a visceral reaction every time i hear it.
it stands for so much that i have contempt for.
Lieu: "Probably why neither Jesus, nor one single apostle ever used ‘the name". It is not used one single time in the NT."
"Probably" and "ever" in the same sentence seems contradictory.
Jesus taught Christians to pray: "Hallowed be thy name." (Matt 6.9, KJV)
He also said in prayer: "I have manifested thy name..." (John 17.6,KJV)
Jesus spoke in harmony with the prophet Isaiah who wrote centuries earlier: "Praise the LORD [Jehovah or Yahweh], call upon his name." (12.4, KJV)
Lieu: "It is not used one single time in the NT."
This is true only if one removes "Hallelujah" from Revelation 19.1, and further choose to ignore whatever possibility the original manuscripts (now lost or extinct) may differ in various places with the available copies today written after the first century.
Can anyone be 100% certain that the first-century biblical authors when quoting the OT used manuscripts not containing the divine name? A scripture often quoted in the NT is this one from Psalm 110.1: "The declaration of Yahweh to my Lord--Sit thou at my right hand, Until I make thy foes thy footstool." (JB)
It would take a lot of pencil pushing to go from, "Yahweh said to my Lord," to "The Lord said to my Lord" as it appears in extant Greek manuscripts. (Matt 22.41-45)
listening to clips of the latest manipulative video from the watchtower i realised how much i detest that word - jehovah.. sometimes i have thought it would be interesting to observe a meeting or part of a convention.
every time i heard that word i would be unable to stay in my seat.. i have a visceral reaction every time i hear it.
it stands for so much that i have contempt for.
We have to be careful not to let our hate for the JW organization affect our views of God and his name. Even Jesus said: "May your Name be kept holy." (Matthew 6:9, CJB)
Malachi 3:16 mentions: "A record book was written in his presence for those who feared ADONAI [the Lord Yahweh] and had respect for his name." (CJB)
The Name of God and the modern Jehovah's Witnesses religion are two different things.
i saw the coordinator heading for the stage and hit record on my ipad.
i was shocked but here it is.
here's my typed transcript of the letter he read:.
CO: However please be assured of our love. We are confident that you will be cared for by Jehovah's organization. As for Joy and myself, we spent sometime with our respective families before we transitioned to another assignment in Jehovah's service.
We are all confident of Jehovah's direction by way of the governing body and by way of the branch. What a rich life Jehovah has provided for us. We are assured nor he [Jehovah] nor his organization will forget the labors we have performed for his name. May Jehovah continue to be with all of you.
Unrelated to the subject, the announcement made by a WT representative once again makes clear that Jesus plays a minor role (if any) in the JW organization. Jesus is not given any honor. The human organization is given more prominence.
some fascinating results in the latest pew research.
(how did i miss this before?
) including that jws rely on their religion the most of any group to tell right from wrong and rely on common sense the least.
Good to hear from you again!
Thanks for the Pew Research Center Survey link.
I agree with you posters concluding that JWs in the Survey were likely confused with the questions. JWs definitely have a different mindset than the general population. So the question about whether JWs believed in heaven or not would produce a good number of yes and no's, when we all know the WT stated position on the matter.
Perhaps, the typical JW would answer: "It depends... if the ‘heaven’ reference pertains to whether most faithful believers go to heaven after death, the answer is ‘no.’ But if you ask us about whether some will live in heaven after resurrection, the answer is ‘yes.’ We also believe in the existence of a sky firmament (heaven)."
i notice that while a search of the wt library reveals many references to homosexuals, there are few references to lesbians.. does the wts include women when it uses the term homosexual?.
when discussing masturbation, does it mention both sexes?.
i am asking out of pure ignorance, seeking clarification.. my only comment is that religion of every shade has difficulty with the subject of sexual activity, as if it were something that is not part of nature.. doug.
I think the WTS reflects American society quite a bit. In USA, it is common to focus on men when certain sensitive subjects are discussed.
For example, when was the last time you saw a woman shown sitting in a toilet doing her physical need in a Hollywood movie? Certainly not as often as men! Some "funny" movies depict men farting as a hilarious act, but hardly ever does Hollywood show women doing so. Also, we may see more men than women on TV with hemorrhoids, stomach problems, burping, selling toilet paper, etc. The exception is with menstruation. Corporations can't resist pushing sanitary napkins to women to get their money. Generally, American society would prefer not offending women with "intimate" subjects before men.
On sexuality, there was a time, decades ago, when many people thought that homosexuality was far more prevalent among the male sex. Masturbation was thought to be a "male" thing. If internet has taught us a thing, is that there is not as much difference between the sexes in sexuality as previously thought. Surveys on masturbation decades ago revealed that men practiced it far more than women did, so we were led to believe. But recently surveys show that the ratio of sexes engaging in masturbation and homosexual acts have been closing rapidly. Now is almost taken for granted that most people (whether men or women) masturbate, many with regularity.
Lesbianism in the past have been kept hidden from the public far more often than male sexuality. But It was happening behind the public view. It should be noted that women are better at concealing their homosexual feelings than men are, just as they are better than men about ogling displays of the opposite sex. In fact, unlike many men who make it obvious they are gay by their behavior, it is often impossible to detect that some women are lesbians. Many men are unaware in many cases that their wives, girlfriends, sisters, mothers, etc. have lesbian tendencies.
Internet is changing the panorama. As more women see others of the same sex doing the things they once thought they alone were doing, they are more inclined to come out in the open in admitting their tendencies. And it is happening.
The Watchtower is buried in the past by regularly depicting men over women as homosexuals and masturbators. The WT leaders don't want their brothers going to the Kingdom Hall thinking that the sisters they meet with may be having lesbian tendencies. Neither do they want brothers having fantasies of their beloved spiritual sisters masturbating weekly before or after the meeting. Ouch!
i just noticed in the site that the watchtower society recently published online the first book of the study bible (matthew), a new edition of the nwt bible.
so far, i'm seeing an overview of the book considered, and explanations of various verses of each chapter throughout.
it is not a full commentary.
cappytan: "Are they really doing a revised version of the New World Translation?"
No, the WTS already did the revision in 2013. This is a Study Bible, a supplemental edition.
i just noticed in the site that the watchtower society recently published online the first book of the study bible (matthew), a new edition of the nwt bible.
so far, i'm seeing an overview of the book considered, and explanations of various verses of each chapter throughout.
it is not a full commentary.
i just noticed in the site that the watchtower society recently published online the first book of the study bible (matthew), a new edition of the nwt bible.
so far, i'm seeing an overview of the book considered, and explanations of various verses of each chapter throughout.
it is not a full commentary.
I just noticed in the site that the Watchtower Society recently published online the first book of the Study Bible (Matthew), a new edition of the NWT Bible.
So far, I'm seeing an Overview of the book considered, and explanations of various verses of each chapter throughout. It is not a full commentary. There are no maps shown yet in the Bible. That may be forthcoming. It is therefore a work in progress.
Also, I am disappointed that the Society sort of butchered the included Kingdom Interlinear in the Online Library. I am not speaking of the translation itself which is perhaps the same good one found in printed editions of the book. I am referring to the lack of adequate spacing between English glosses found above the Greek line. The printed editions were a model to follow, not so with the Online Edition. I wonder who was responsible for messing this up so badly. Shame on you Watchtower! Fix this up! Bring it to the excellent level of printed editions.
hi this is for the lurkers.. please start reading from another translation and use tools like to verify the differences you find.. biblehub has an interlinear and a strongs concordance and heaps of dictionaries and commentaries.. you don't have to be a translator but you can clearly see how the watchtower bible and tract society has changed the bible to devalue jesus, to support their idea of a paradise earth hope for christians and many other false doctrines.. i could never understand why the jw's where attacked when they chose to translate the bible - now i know.. seriously people, there are a lot smarter people than me on this forum and heaps of research.
don't be afraid of the truth!.
Dumplin said:
No one in their right mind would trust the New World Translation - simply because of the deceptive nature of Jws. [...] Also, an interesting observation by Dr. Bruce Metzer of Princeton University: "if JWs take this translation [of John 1.1] serious, they are polytheists."
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Of the Hebrew king being called Elohim (God) at Psalm 45:7 the New American Bible, St Joseph Edition, 1970, interestingly explains in a footnote: “The Hebrew king was called Elohim, ‘God,’ not in the polytheistic sense common among the ancient pagans but as meaning ‘godlike’ or ‘taking the place of God’.”
Could the same thing be said of Jesus Christ described as theos (God or a god) at John 1.1?