Why the obsession to prove the NWT is horrible? What do we get from this?
Hate can make us go blind, and not see the good or bad from other sources. Many in the WT can´t see the many wrongs the corporation have done through the decades. It´s like "Jehovah" is behind every human action in the borg. Nonsense! WT critics fare no better. They distort facts no less, and actually go one step further than the WT in misconstruing facts.
Whoever believes that a human who doesn´t have an academic degree is unable to translate the Bible needs to have their head checked. Yes, I know... scholars have an edge over those who don´t have degrees. No doubt. However, an accreditation of itself does not make a good translator. Doctrinal beliefs, intelligence, common sense, honesty, financial status, and other factors all play a role. Dishonesty is found throughout the religious world, not just by JWs.
Centuries ago, the Catholic Church made it look that unless you learned Latin, you were not able to translate, read the Bible and understand it. To a certain degree they succeeded. But not completely. They were those who individually proved them wrong. Eventually, the Catholics lost that battle, and now we have many versions of the Bible. The thing is that now Protestants are claiming, like the Catholics of long ago, that unless you go to their schools, you are stupid. They make it sound like you need a long list of requirements to translate the Bible. Only they can do it. They too make the original languages appear unattainable to common people. Only they are smart enough. Nonsense.
The fact is that many individuals through the ages have translated the Bible without university accreditation. What? You think all those translators used by United Bible Society were all accredited? Some of those translations in other countries were done by pastors or diligent students with UBS financial support.
Also, the NWT is despised by the masses, but quite a few have been impressed by it, like Alan Duthie. Goodspeed once made favorable comments about the NWT. Christian churches sent their dogs to have Goodspeed recant his statements. All they got from him was a criticism of the un-English renderings of the Old Testament, like in Judges 14.3. The critics were just hoping Goodspeed would condemn the NWT NT translation. It didn´t happen. The same thing happened with Benjamin Kedar. Kedar spoke well of the NWT, and he got tired of responding to NWT critics to the point that he ended up writing a general statement for future inquiries. Kedar never recanted his favorable comments on the NWT. He criticized both the traditional Western Christian religions and the WTS for its restrictive policies. But he kept his view on the NWT Hebrew translation.
In all, if the NWT is horrible in your view, why not focus on the translation flavor of your choice, and share your experiences from that with us. I will be delighted to hear those.