Not only are the majority of GB members white, but guess who are (or, have been ) in charge of WT Branches throughout the world. Are these Branches not governed by mostly white brothers? If this is the case, it would indicate that the mostly white GB do not even trust their own brothers from other ethnicities to be in charge.
JoinedPosts by Wonderment
Why Aren`t The G.B Members Representive Of All Nations ? and not just America ?
by smiddy3 inare all of the governing .body .members american citizens ?
shouldn`t they at least represent a greater proportion of nations in light of jesus being a saviour of all the world ?.
god loved the world of mankind right ?
Hellfire justifies torture = Armageddon justifies shunning?
by slimboyfat ina few weeks ago the watchtower study condemned the teaching of hellfire, among other things, because some religions have used the hellfire doctrine as a justification for torture:.
the false teaching of hellfire has been used to justify torture, including the burning at the stake of those who opposed church teachings.
according to a book on the spanish inquisition, some of those responsible for this cruelty may have believed that they were only giving heretics “a taste of what perpetual hellfire would be like” so that they would repent before dying and be saved from hellfire.. it occurs to me that jws justify disfellowshipping on a similar basis.
SB: "So if Christendom is condemned for having used hellfire to justify physical torture, doesn’t Watchtower stand condemned for using Armageddon to justify the psychological torture of disfellowshipping and shunning? Is that a fair comparison to make?"
Fear of Armageddon (or, hellfire) used to justify extreme measures of psychological torture via disfellowshipping and shunning is a fair comparison, but more likely COMBINED with the common inherent belief within the organization that Jehovah's Witnesses are exclusively God's people, which in their mindset truly justifies all the corresponding detrimental actions (authoritarian control, lack of free speech, etc.) brought about the concept of "unity at all costs."
Frederick Franz, "Bible Scholar"
by Quendi inas some of you know by now, i spent sunday, 7 august, renewing ties with a dear friend.
we're both disfellowshipped, the difference between us being he is seeking reinstatement and i am not.
we got into some very spirited discussions on different bible topics and one of them was the value of the new world translation itself.
To Adam Levi,
Thank you so much for pointing out to us the confusion of many between the two scholars named Benjamin Kedar of Israel. I myself made that blunder.The one who wrote about the NWT was Benjamin Kedar-Kopfstein.
Anyways, those who criticized me in the previous page for mentioning this scholar's positive comments on the OT portion of the NWT claiming he had no authority whatsoever to talk about linguistic issues criticized too soon. Their motives have been revealed.
Active JW'S - Are YOU "exercising faith?"
by The Fall Guy inon pages 27 & 28 of the august 2019 study watchtower, it perverts the translation of scriptures yet again, in order to drum it into jw's minds that they have to work for their salvation.
“on the evening before his death, jesus told his disciples: “exercise faith in god; exercise faith also in me.” (john 14:1).
according to strong's lexicon, the greek word pisteuō is translated thus - “to think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in, of the thing believed, to credit, have confidence.”.
The Fall Guy: "It's sad that the ‘only true religion’ on planet earth doesn't have God's spirit guiding them when it comes to translating the Christian Greek scriptures – but Christendom has it! :( "
This statement has to be one of the boldest (Or say, oddest) affirmations I have seen on this website. The belief that ‘Christendom has God's spirit behind their Greek translations of the NT’ is wishful thinking. Their record in mistranslations is out there. No translation is perfect. They all have unintended errors.
The Fall Guy: "Is fear a synonym for 'deep respect?'"
It can be one of its meanings. In fact, one can argue that that is the intended meaning. Surely, Paul wasn't advising women to be walking around with "fear" in the presence of their husbands.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible: "And the wife see that she reverence her husband - The word "see" is supplied by our translators. The meaning is, that it was the special duty of the wife to show respect for her husband as the head of the family, and as set over her in the Lord; see on Ephesians 5:22, note 28, note. The word rendered "reverence," is that which usually denotes "fear" - φοβῆται phobētai. She is to fear; i. e., to honor, respect, obey the will of her husband. It is, of course, not implied that it is not also her duty to love her husband, but that there should be no usurping of authority; no disregard of the arrangement which God has made; and that order and peace should be secured in a family by regarding the husband as the source of law."
A. T. Robertson: "‘Fear’ (phobetai, present middle subjunctive) here is ‘reverence.’” (Word Pictures in the New Testament, IV, p. 547)
NIV: However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
The Greek word phobētai has a strong connotation which implies deep respect or reverence with accentuated consideration to their mates.
Age when parents should stop bathing their children
by Wonderment inby what age should parents stop bathing and wiping their children's bottoms?
when are these actions a definitely no-no?.
Thanks 4 your comments. But let me rephrase the question:
At what age would you consider extreme for parents to be bathing their kids, and/or wiping their bottoms?
How would you react if you learn that some participants in this forum are "undocumented" in your country?
by Wonderment inhow would you react if you learn that some participants in this forum are "illegally" in your country?.
How would you react if you learn that some participants in this forum are "illegally" in your country?
Age when parents should stop bathing their children
by Wonderment inby what age should parents stop bathing and wiping their children's bottoms?
when are these actions a definitely no-no?.
By what age should parents stop bathing and wiping their children's bottoms? When are these actions a definitely no-no?
18 definite ways women turn men off.
by Wonderment ini picked the list below somewhere, and i would like to hear your opinions on it.
what would you keep or change?
18 definite ways women turn men off.
Vanderhoven 7: "By the way, these are 18 ways to turn off any spouse, male or female."
You are so correct with this observation.
18 definite ways women turn men off.
by Wonderment ini picked the list below somewhere, and i would like to hear your opinions on it.
what would you keep or change?
18 definite ways women turn men off.
I picked the list below somewhere, and I would like to hear your opinions on it. What would you keep or change?18 definite ways women turn men off. Warning! They are quite effective.
1. Don’t listen to what he has to say! Just do what you want. This is rule no. 1 to turn your man away. 2. Never take the blame! Instead, make him feel guilty at every chance you get.
3. Argue with him rather than agreeing with him. When you argue, make sure you have the last word.
4. Exaggerate all your feelings like a drama queen. All this drama is bound to make him keep the distance.
5. Just ask him for everything you need or want. Don’t pay anything, do not contribute to the monthly bills.
6. Be quick to insult him instead of praising him. You don’t want him to be too confident. Do you?
7. If you catch him looking at another woman, make him feel like no one else would do such a thing.
8. Show extreme jealousy at all times, and keep him away from intermingling with his (or your) friends.
9. Talk bad about him to your family members and friends. When he is present, ridicule him before others.
10. Whenever, or wherever, you want to go out, don’t tell him about it. He is not your boss, right?
11. Talk down on his family. Make him feel guilty about his dealings with them. Your family is better anyways.
12. Just for the fun, compare him to other men, and show him how he does not measure up.
13. Be willing to start heated arguments defending your friends, since they have more importance in your life.
14. Make your partner feel that you can out·smart him anytime. Getting your way makes you feel powerful.
15. Be in control at all times. Don’t let him get away with any of his sexual fantasies, for example.
16. Do the opposite of what he says. These jolting “challenges” of yours are added excitement to his life.
17. Shout instead of speaking to him. You will definitely get noticed more.
18. Overall, don’t let him dominate you. It is better to believe the biblical warning for wives to be “submissive” to their husbands does not apply in our era. Furthermore, “respect” is due to him only if he lives a “perfect” life. If he does not do everything by the book, why obey him?
If you do any of these things, you will surely succeed in bridging a gap between you and your man, if that’s what you want. Farewell! -
Is your Bible Free of Bias?
by Wonderment inis your bible free of bias?william d. barrick, professor of old testament wrote in 2001: “biblically based theology has no choice but to be wedded to bible translation.
one’s theology is heavily dependent upon one’s understanding of scripture in translation, whether it is one’s own or that of a published version.
on the other side of the coin, bible translation is inextricably linked with theology.
Phizzy: "No Translation of the Bible, or any other work, can be totally free of some sort of bias, even if in many cases the bias of honest translations is caused unconsciously."
So true!