How to 'translate' the Bible, Watch Tower Society style:
- Start with the text of the King James Version.
- Perform a search-and-replace of archaic terms with modern words (e.g. moveth --> moving; shambles --> meat market, lest ye --> for fear you may)
- Change awkward Old English word order (e.g. he commanded them not --> he had not proscribed for them)
- Replace regular verbs with progressive verbs (e.g. he rested --> proceeded to rest; God called --> God went on to say)
- Change passages where required for doctrinal bias. (e.g. for Babylon --> at Babylon; the angels of God worship him --> And let all God's angels do obeisance to him)
- Proof-read and send to press.
If the NWT Committe had done what you are suggesting, they could have done their version in two years, not fourteen, which is the time they took to do their original version. Besides, had you done a thorough comparison of the NWT version with the Hebrew and Greek Texts, you would have found out that there are thousands of particulars which cannot be answered by your six suggestions. Thus, I cannot take your suggestions seriously.
I don't agree with all the translation choices of the NWT, just as I do not agree with other Bible versions translation choices all the time. But overall, most translators are sincere, and do a pretty good job at it, the NWT included. All translations fall short somewhere, because they are done by imperfect humans with limited knowledge.