"The Holy Spirit spoke and said, "Separate unto me Paul and Barnabas for the work for which I have called them."
Yes, and the donkey SPOKE to Balaam, a human, in the book of Numbers (ch. 22).
Although the donkey "spoke," the account says that the Lord made the donkey talk. At the same time, the narrative speaks of Jehovah's angel behind the on-going action being explained. (Ge. 22.22,24,25,26,27,31) It is obvious that the angel was not the same person as the Lord. The angel was representing the Lord. The angel of the Lord may have been the one behind the donkey talking, since the Lord is resourceful enough to engage with Balaam without a mediator. Regardless, the ultimate source of power originated with God.
Interestingly, Scripture talks about God' spirit some 250 times according to one writer.
What can we learn from this?