"...the bible says that you can grieve , vex and lie to the HS , Eph 4:30 ,
Isa 63:10 , Acts 5:3 . The HS teaches John 14:26 , testifies John 15:26 ,
speaks 1Cor 2:13 and commands Acts 8:28 among lots of other things."
And it also tells us that the water and blood together with the spirit "bear witness." (1 John 5:6-8)
The altar "speaks [says]" before heaven. (Rev. 16.7)
Sin "couches" at the door, ‘has desire’ (craves) (Ge. 4.7)
Deserts ‘rejoice, exult’ (Is. 35.1)
Blood "cries" out (Ge. 4.10). Blood "speaks" (Heb. 12.24).
Wisdom "disciplines," or "instructs" in some versions (Prov. 8.10) It even has "children" (Lu. 7.35)
Sin, Grace and Death are "kings [they reign]" (Ro. 5.14,21)
Mountains and Hills "sing" and Trees "clap their hands" (Is. 55.12)
A donkey "speaks" to a human (Nu. 22.21-39). Do animals speak like humans?
Should we take all these statements literally?
More importantly -- Jesus said the following:
"I have spoken these things [like personifying the spirit as a ‘helper’] to you in comparisons" [Other versions: analogies; figures of speech]." (John 16.25)
NIV: “Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father."
Notice that Jesus left the "spirit" out when referencing the Father, curiously just a few words after talking about "the helper." This implies that the spirit was being personified figuratively as God’s advocate in the same chapter.