aqwsed12345: Of course, I don't claim that I invented all this out of thin air, I am just a "dwarf standing on the shoulders of giants", as Bernard of Chartres said.
It has been said that "actions speaks louder than words." The impression that some of us may get from your posts is that they scream: "I know this subject better than anyone else here," even if this is not true. You have said (or implied) that others are being blind or retarded Watchtower advocates if they dare defend any WT doctrinal point or viewpoint.
I like that you go deep in your studies, and your messages may be well-intended, but at the end, it comes thru as condescending to others that can't keep up with your intensity -- not upbuilding at all.
I don't criticize you for defending the Trinity at will. Rather, it is the tone. For instance, another regular poster here by the name of "Vanderhoven7" is an avid Trinity defender no less, yet, he normally submit his posts with respect toward others. I admit I enjoy some of his posts, and I have learned quite a few things from him. I tend to read his posts because they are often informative. We can learn from him, or others who communicate with a calm tone.
If you allow me, can I suggest you tone down your messages a bit, provide briefer posts overall, and try to find some common ground with other posters that disagree with you. I will try myself to follow this advice. No one has complete knowledge. So as your quote indicated, we all learn from others before us. Keep up your solid studies!