Absolute truth about what? The braggings of a imagined Deity of the bible is that absolute truth? God is Love type of absolute truth? Theory of everything absolute truth? Ultimate reality absolute truth? What is this vague abstract shadowy thing we call absolute truth anyway?
Meaning that there are underlying facts which can't be disputed, it is not a religious question but a philosophical one. Some say that it is a fact that the sky is blue for example but another philosophy would say that the color blue is just how our human mind interprets the light reflecting off of the Earth's atmosphere. So some say everything is subjective and must take into account the perspective of the person who experiences it. As JWs we all had a very concrete view of the world; good vs. evil, black and white, perfect vs imperfect. So now that we have left that thinking behind are we also to leave behind the notion of any inherent truths?
My own opinion is that much of the things we call truths are actually subjective. Ideas about morality are often influenced by cultural norms and society. The notion of free will could also be said to subjective as well, perhaps our genetic code and upbringing only leave us with an illusion of choice. Underneath it all though there are truths, laws that govern the universe in which we live. There is reason for everything but like other animals the answers aren't within our reach. Just my thought and opinion.