The Grudge - TOOL
If I Were - Nothing More
Terrible Lie - NIN
Dead Inside - Muse
do you have any songs that you have listened and then thought that it also works from an apostate point of view?i have always liked this song, but one time realized that i was thinking how it sounds awfully familiar, if you think about those who have lost family/friends due to leaving.this song was originally made/written because one of the actors died in a car accident.
movie was still being filmed and many spots he was needed were never finished with him..
The Grudge - TOOL
If I Were - Nothing More
Terrible Lie - NIN
Dead Inside - Muse
just got back from "imitate jehovah" ca and noticed that the theme was never really used at all.
all the talks were about family, preaching and getting along with others in the hall.
they didn't once go over an account of how jehovah acted in the past and how we should imitate that action.
at the latest co visit something very strange happened.
during the meeting with the elders and servants he passed out a copy of a hypothetical publisher card and asked us what we could learn from it.
upon receiving it i saw that the average hours were pretty good, it had return visits and quite a few bible studies.
Jw_Rogue, was this done at an elders meeting or a general meeting with publishers there?
This was at an Elder/MS meeting, most publishers would probably be offended at the idea. The thing with this org is the higher you go the more craziness is revealed and expected to be accepted without any questions. I'm only an MS I can only imagine the crazy things Elders and Bethelites have to try to accept.
at the latest co visit something very strange happened.
during the meeting with the elders and servants he passed out a copy of a hypothetical publisher card and asked us what we could learn from it.
upon receiving it i saw that the average hours were pretty good, it had return visits and quite a few bible studies.
at the latest co visit something very strange happened.
during the meeting with the elders and servants he passed out a copy of a hypothetical publisher card and asked us what we could learn from it.
upon receiving it i saw that the average hours were pretty good, it had return visits and quite a few bible studies.
did anybody else read this article and just think wth?.
sometimes god approves of war.. sometimes god doesn't approve of war.. when the israelites fought battles and won it was because god blessed them.. when they lost it was because god had not blessed them.. sometimes god fights for oppressed ones.. sometimes they must wait and have faith.. it is so clear that the bible contradicts itself on this issue and that the nation of israel had a totally different view of god than the early christians.
it is also clear that the nation of israel was highly superstitious and would attribute every battle's outcome to the whims of a higher power.
Did anybody else read this article and just think WTH?
Sometimes God approves of war.
Sometimes God doesn't approve of war.
When the Israelites fought battles and won it was because God blessed them.
When they lost it was because God had not blessed them.
Sometimes God fights for oppressed ones.
Sometimes they must wait and have faith.
It is so clear that the bible contradicts itself on this issue and that the nation of Israel had a totally different view of God than the early Christians. It is also clear that the nation of Israel was highly superstitious and would attribute every battle's outcome to the whims of a higher power. The way the WT tries to work around these obvious facts is hilarious.
just got back from "imitate jehovah" ca and noticed that the theme was never really used at all.
all the talks were about family, preaching and getting along with others in the hall.
they didn't once go over an account of how jehovah acted in the past and how we should imitate that action.
just got back from "imitate jehovah" ca and noticed that the theme was never really used at all.
all the talks were about family, preaching and getting along with others in the hall.
they didn't once go over an account of how jehovah acted in the past and how we should imitate that action.
when i joined this forum i was seeking more people who felt the same way i did in terms of seeing the jehovah's witness organization for what it truly was; a false prophet.. once i found like-minded members i slowly started to open up and participate more in trying to help others that were also exiting mentally and physically.
today, i offer support to anyone who desires it regardless of what they believe or not believe.. so what is your purpose on this board?.
I think what shocks me the most is the common theme "I would but I don't want to get caught" and "I would but I don't want to be exposed". What the hell kind of religion is that? If you are a true WT/JW God would know everything you do/think anyway - but here so many are afraid of getting "caught" by humans. WTF?
Yes, there is no trust between JWs everyone you know could turn on you. I could go to the hall and there may be other JWs who feel the same as I do but how would I know who they are? The moment I open my mouth with negative comments about the org I could be marked and on the way to losing every family member I have. My marriage could be over because I have no idea how my wife would react to something like that. So yeah there is a lot of fear. that most jws don't know anything about the financial news that is happening right now.
sure it has trickled down to the elders and those who volunteer for construction but the average jw has no idea.
no one in my hall has said a thing about it.