JoinedPosts by JW_Rogue
Hypothetical Question...
by JW_Rogue ini was just thinking that the org has said lots of outrageous things over it's history and most jws just continue onward without a second thought.
so my question is what do you think would have to be said from the platform or wt to get people to get up and walk out immediately?
is it even possible?
I was just thinking that the org has said lots of outrageous things over it's history and most JWs just continue onward without a second thought. So my question is what do you think would have to be said from the platform or WT to get people to get up and walk out immediately? Is it even possible? -
New Light: Don't hold hands during prayers
by RR infrom the watchtower november 15 study edition.. 19 when we are being represented in public prayer, we need to display reverential "fear of god.
" (1 pet 2:17) there may be a proper time and place for some actions that would be inappropriate at a christian meeting.
(eccl 3:1) for instance, suppose someone sought to have all in a group link arms or hold hands during prayer.
When there really is no scriptural reason for a rule they will always fall back on the "Someone might get stumbled" excuse. Meanwhile people who are actually stumbled by important things are told that they aren't spiritual enough and they need to "wait on Jehovah". You can't win, ever. -
What is the org’s view on extraterrestrial life?
by My Name is of No Consequence ini am sure that it has been discussed before.
but just out of curiosity, what is the orgs view on extraterrestrial life?
the org certainly agrees that the universe is infinitely large.
What is the org’s view on extraterrestrial life?
by My Name is of No Consequence ini am sure that it has been discussed before.
but just out of curiosity, what is the orgs view on extraterrestrial life?
the org certainly agrees that the universe is infinitely large.
The view is that we do not know, probably there is no life, but IF there is, then Earth would still be the most important place in Universe because it was here that God's Son died for mankind and this has importance for all the Universe. So the reply goes "perhaps, but it is of lesser importance to us".
That explanation would work unless we found life that was similar to our own or more intelligent if that happened then that argument would fall flat.
What is the org’s view on extraterrestrial life?
by My Name is of No Consequence ini am sure that it has been discussed before.
but just out of curiosity, what is the orgs view on extraterrestrial life?
the org certainly agrees that the universe is infinitely large.
Is life the same as intelligent life? I believe that you are correct that the org has not addressed the possibly of "unintelligent" life on other planets.
No, and they will not bring it up because it is an argument that they will lose. I'd love to see that in an Awake "Was it designed?...Bacteria On Mars" LOL They ignore a lot of things that don't fit with their agenda. Just the other day me and my wife were watching a documentary on the Atom Bomb. In it they talked about how the Earth is filled with Uranium. My wife commented "I wonder what God's purpose was in that" I just shrugged "Who knows? There must be a good reason, right?"
What is the org’s view on extraterrestrial life?
by My Name is of No Consequence ini am sure that it has been discussed before.
but just out of curiosity, what is the orgs view on extraterrestrial life?
the org certainly agrees that the universe is infinitely large.
No. The Bible indicates that it is very unlikely that God at this point has created intelligent physical creatures on any planets other than our own
Very clever answer, "highly unlikely" so even if intelligent life were discovered they would try to come up with some "new light" to make it make sense.
What is the org’s view on extraterrestrial life?
by My Name is of No Consequence ini am sure that it has been discussed before.
but just out of curiosity, what is the orgs view on extraterrestrial life?
the org certainly agrees that the universe is infinitely large.
Yet, when i was still "in" there were those who thought that after the big A and the paradise earth is filled some other planet might be prepared (by God) to support human life. Then humans might be transferred there to beautify and fill it. I know, weird.
Yeah, this is still a popular idea although it has never been in a WT or AW. Normally this comes up when someone starts talking about how if everyone lives forever how the Earth would overpopulate. Then some brother who thinks he is super smart will say that maybe Jehovah will send us to other planets to transform them. Then someone will change the subject before everyone realizes how crazy it all sounds. LOL
What is the org’s view on extraterrestrial life?
by My Name is of No Consequence ini am sure that it has been discussed before.
but just out of curiosity, what is the orgs view on extraterrestrial life?
the org certainly agrees that the universe is infinitely large.
I don't believe they have ever responded to any claims of bacterial life on other planets, they seem to ignore those as unimportant. Even though in reality it implies that life either arose in other areas of the universe through evolution or that God created bacteria on other planets. The latter option doesn't really make much sense. Why would God create bacteria on planets where no other life resides? What purpose could the bacteria serve?
They would adamantly deny the possibility of any intelligent life on other planets. The reason being that intelligent life on other planets would pretty much blow up the whole bible concept of humans being caught in an epic battle for the sovereignty of the universe.
No Kingdom Halls would definitely work!
by John Aquila inlast night we were invited to a get-together with quite a few heavies attendingelders and regular pioneers.
there was beer and later some music.
everyone got relaxed and let down their guard and starting talking all kinds of non-theocratic stuff that you only discuss after a few beers.
This story doesn't sound real to me, I can't imagine an Elder saying that JWs should get rid of DFing. To the main point though I think that they will always try to have meetings of some sort. Without those they would quickly lose control of the congregations and people would split off into little groups. It would also make it really easy to just fade out of the religion and stop donating. I could see live streaming of talks from Bethel though so there wouldn't be the need for as many public speakers. I can see the door to door work being replaced, perhaps with paid advertising online, then JWs would just have to follow up on any local leads and offer a study. Of course they would have to donate more for the advertising campaigns, maybe a special fund like the GAA and TOAA. -
Songs that have a JW meaning?
by GrownMidget indo you have any songs that you have listened and then thought that it also works from an apostate point of view?i have always liked this song, but one time realized that i was thinking how it sounds awfully familiar, if you think about those who have lost family/friends due to leaving.this song was originally made/written because one of the actors died in a car accident.
movie was still being filmed and many spots he was needed were never finished with him.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgkafk5djsk.
The Grudge - TOOL
If I Were - Nothing More
Terrible Lie - NIN
Dead Inside - Muse