Background: my wife and I are inactive, we stopped attending in 2005. Raised as JWs, were Pioneers, I was Elder etc...
Our kids are in college, also inactive but are baptised. My wife went back to college, getting her degree this month at age 48! We are the happiest we have ever been and have no desire to go back, but we love our parents immensely - despite their fanatical beliefs.
MIL announced that they would have to stop associating with us since we do things occassionally with our DF'd siblings. My sister is DF and my brother in law is DF. We love our family and refuse to shun them like our parents do. My wife has another brother who is an Elder and very active. MIL sent the following letter to my wife - any ideas on how to respond without causing hurt and at same time make a point? Not sure I even want to respond... but this letter just upsets us because they don't even see how brainwashed they are. Your thoughts?
Her letter to my wife:
To my dearest daughter to whom we love very much. I'm writing this letter because it would be too hard for me to speak to you person to person.
I look back on our life raising you children and though our life wasn't perfect, we had a good life. We raised the three of you the best we knew how and the most important part of that was teaching you the truth about Jehovah. We'd hoped that you would serve Jehovah forever, but you and "DB" (DF'd Brother) decided differently. Granted it is your choice to do what you want in your life. But your Dad, "JB" (my wife's JW Brother) and I have chosen to serve Jehovah forever and to be loyal to him. I would like more than anything if you, your family and "DB" and his family would return to Jehovah.
A scripture comes to mind that you and your family need to consider: Deut 30:19-20 "I do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses agains you today that I have put life and death before you, the blessings and maledictions, and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by stick to him." I don't think Jehovah is asking too much from you, do you??
For the last two Mondays, I have seen "MS" (My college age son) come out our way to go mushrooming with "DB" (my DF'd brother-in-law) who is disfellowshipped and this seems more important to him than have a relationship with his grandparents. Since all of you prefer to have with all of your disfellowshipped relatives makes it seem you love being with them more than you do those who serve Jehovah. You know we've talked to you about this before, but I guess you don't care what we think.
So again, there will have to be some changes in our relationship with your family. Because of your decision to associate with your brother and "DS" (my DF'd younger sister), we will have to stop our association with your family. You know our 50th Anniversary is next year and because of your continued time spent with disfellowshipped individuals you will not be welcomed to one of the most important days of our life when your family should be by your side. Of course you have time to change your life and come back to Jehovah.
When I see you at the Kingdom Hall or hear that you are attending meetings on a regular basis, then I will know if you truly want to be on Jehovah's side. As you well know by now your Dad and I will not compromise our relationship with Jehovah. Do you remember the scripture at Matt 6:24 where it says "No one can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other. You cannot slave for God and for Riches." So "MW" (my wife) which will it be??
I hope this gives you some thought as to who you will serve, God or Satan. We hope you choose Jehovah. We long to be a close family again. I'll close this letter with our scripture test for today and also a picture that shows we were once a happy family.
All the love that we can give,
Mom and Dad
<< I welcome your thoughts/comments/suggestions on a reply or you may think we should just leave it alone - I will answer your questions if you want some additional background... thanks everyone!>>