Thanks Dagney. Maybe I will post a few more. Maybe a Roman one next
Posts by cofty
A Coin With a Remarkable History
by cofty inover the years i have shared a few examples of objects i have found while metal detecting near my home in northumberland in ne england.
i live in a rural estate that was the site of a medieval village with a manor house and defensive tower.
many of the things i find illustrate the amazing history of the location.
A Coin With a Remarkable History
by cofty inover the years i have shared a few examples of objects i have found while metal detecting near my home in northumberland in ne england.
i live in a rural estate that was the site of a medieval village with a manor house and defensive tower.
many of the things i find illustrate the amazing history of the location.
Ex-B the link between the intrinsic value of the metal and the value of the coin continued in England until the late 18th century. I have a few George III copper pennies that are gigantic.
Since then coins are more akin to tokens.
A Coin With a Remarkable History
by cofty inover the years i have shared a few examples of objects i have found while metal detecting near my home in northumberland in ne england.
i live in a rural estate that was the site of a medieval village with a manor house and defensive tower.
many of the things i find illustrate the amazing history of the location.
Over the years I have shared a few examples of objects I have found while metal detecting near my home in Northumberland in NE England. I live in a rural estate that was the site of a medieval village with a manor house and defensive tower. Many of the things I find illustrate the amazing history of the location.
A few years ago I found a silver coin minted at Gdnask in Poland in 1539. This is an extremely rare discovery in England; how did a Polish coin find its way to a rural village in Northumberland nearly 500 years ago?
Along with looking for physical objects I also enjoy searching the archives to piece together the history of the lives of the people who once lived here, and one amazing discovery might shed light on the coin.
On Sunday 3 January 1563 the resident of the manor house got some unexpected visitors. Two men by the names of Willye Tatt and Davie Chambers arrived and explained that they were servants of the Earl of Bothwell who was in displeasure with the Queen and Council of Scotland. John Reveley agreed that they could stay at his house for a few days. They returned the next day along with James Hepburn, 1st Duke of Orkney, 4th Earl of Bothwell, Lord High Admiral of Scotland. Bothwell had been imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle on trumped-up charges of plotting to kidnap Mary Queen of Scots. Having made an escape he had taken passage on a ship at Leith harbour but a storm had forced them to shelter at the Holy Island of Lindisfarne just a few miles from here. This was the period post-Reformation and Bothwell was a Catholic. The estate here was one of two Catholic centres in North Northumberland.
A few days later Bothwell asked John Reveley to provide a guide to take his man Chambers back to Holy Island to see if there were any ships. John sent his nephew, also called John Reveley, and instructed him to bring back some more bottles of wine. Captain Roger Carew of the Berwick Garrison testified that he was making a secret search of Holy Island for Bothwell on Wednesday 6 January when he became aware of John Reveley junior seeking wine. He became suspicious that there may be guests at Berrington and dispatched the garrison to investigate. John Howard the Master of Ordinance of Berwick, Captain Cornewall, and John Dacres the Under Marshall, led the garrison from Berwick to Berrington in the middle of the night. John Reveley got out his bed in his shirt and confirmed he had guests staying in the vault ‘without his lodging’. The Earl had the door locked from the inside but his men answered it believing it to be Reveley who was knocking. They found Bothwell in bed, with his men fully clothed and armed and horses saddled. They took him into custody between four and five on the Thursday morning.
Bothwell spent some time in prison in England before returning to the royal court in Edinburgh. He was the prime suspect in the murder of Lord Darnley, the husband of Mary in 1567. Scottish society was outraged when Mary went on to marry Bothwell, her husband's murderer the same year. Mary fled to England, to years of imprisonment and her eventual execution by her cousin Elizabeth I. Bothwell perished in a dungeon in Dragsholm Castle in Denmark in 1578.
So what has all this to do with our coin? Well the records also show that Bothwell was on naval duties in Copenhagen in 1560 - where he met, married and abandoned the Norwegian noblewoman Anna Thronsden who was in Denmark assisting her father who was serving as the Royal Consul. Copenhagen is a relatively short sail from Gdnask and trade between the two ports would have been plentiful. The value of coins in this period lay in the intrinsic value of the silver they contained so foreign coins had the same value as domestic ones. It seems entirely likely that this coin was once owned by Bothwell and lost when he was removed to prison in the middle of the night. Five centuries later I found the coin that was last seen by the future King of Scotland - at least that is the story I will be telling my grandson.
What's next?
by lastmanstanding inwhat's next for the world?
a year ago i edited a map of the world to include some big arrows to tell the story of what is to come.
and i shared that map with various friends.
Still looking to Bronze Age nomads for your geopolitical news I see.
Noah + new understanding
by dothemath inso they mentioned noah couldn’t have preached to all the population back before the flood.
do you think they might start using common sense regarding not being able to get every animal type on the ark from the whole world?.
maybe the poor sloth from south america didn’t have to crawl all the way?
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made
For millions of years, every creature that has ever lived has died of starvation, exposure, disease or predation. What does this tell us about your god's divine nature?
Noah + new understanding
by dothemath inso they mentioned noah couldn’t have preached to all the population back before the flood.
do you think they might start using common sense regarding not being able to get every animal type on the ark from the whole world?.
maybe the poor sloth from south america didn’t have to crawl all the way?
Facts versus mythology.
Noah + new understanding
by dothemath inso they mentioned noah couldn’t have preached to all the population back before the flood.
do you think they might start using common sense regarding not being able to get every animal type on the ark from the whole world?.
maybe the poor sloth from south america didn’t have to crawl all the way?
Hence, variation within species would still develop over time and in localised regions
So how do you explain marsupials
Australia is home to 223 species of marsupial. Lacking a womb our mammalian cousins give birth to their young at a very early stage of development and then nurse them to maturity. Female marsupials also have 3 vaginas but that is another topic. The earliest fossils of marsupials are not to be found in Australia however but in North America 80 million years ago. Their journey can be followed south all the way to the tip of South America 40 million years ago and then they suddenly turn up in Australia 30 million years ago.
So where were Joey's ancestors during the missing 10 million years and how did they manage to get to Australia?In a word the answer is Gondwana.
Throughout the earth's history the continents have been constantly in motion, crashing together to form supercontinents and ripping apart again in various formations. The world we see today is a snapshot in geological time. During the Late Cretaceous Period South America and Australia were joined to either end of Antarctica to form what was left of Gondwana which began to unzip in the Triassic. This leads to a testable prediction. If evolution is true then it ought to be possible to find fossils of marsupials with the correct antiquity in Antarctica.
In his book ''Cold,'' published in 1931 Dr. Lawrence M.Gould wrote ''I had rather go back to the Antarctic and find a fossil marsupial than three gold mines.'' Guess what? In 1982 an expedition funded by the National Science Foundation found fossils of more than a dozen species of marsupial on Seymour Island right on the ice-free corridor between South America and Antarctica. The fossils were dated to between 35 and 40 million years ago and were similar to those found in South America at the same time.
The marsupial story is an example of how the fact of evolution can be tested in the real world and shown to be accurate.
In an alternative hypothesis all 223 species of marsupial walked and swam in pairs from Mount Ararat to Australia via Antarctica.
My conclusion on the matter
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inafter being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
Have you ever watched DIY SOS?
Same spirit of community and good will but they won't cut you off from your family if you admit to a thought crime
My conclusion on the matter
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inafter being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
My conclusion on the matter
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inafter being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
The degree of trust required to believe in an omnipotent, omnipresent, loving creator is infinitely large.
The trust required to accept the overwhelming body of evidence for evolution by natural selection is trivial.
To try to make any sort of epistemological equivalence is intellectually dishonest.