A brother shoots at another brother in the kh parking lot in Indiana
Really? I missed that one!
A brother shoots at another brother in the kh parking lot in Indiana
Really? I missed that one!
cofty could you answer how the single cell came about by chance?.
i know the argument for complexity in nature says natural selection over billions of years but this could not explain the complexity of the single cell the building blocks of life?.
It reminds me of when infants keep endlessly repeating - 'but why?'
whether you like or loathe the guy, agree or disagree, surely he has a right to express his opinions freely on twitter?.
every bbc employee who appears on tv or speaks on the radio, should now be paranoid about any opinions they've put on their social media accounts, because if the bbc are prepared to censor/silence lineker, they'll go for anyone.. oops: looks like the bbc can dictate what their staff can & can't say in their social media accounts.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/editorialguidelines/guidance/individual-use-of-social-media.
pity they weren't as strict with their high profile paedophile, mr. savile..
Illegal immigrants are invading the UK. They are fleeing France apparently?
whether you like or loathe the guy, agree or disagree, surely he has a right to express his opinions freely on twitter?.
every bbc employee who appears on tv or speaks on the radio, should now be paranoid about any opinions they've put on their social media accounts, because if the bbc are prepared to censor/silence lineker, they'll go for anyone.. oops: looks like the bbc can dictate what their staff can & can't say in their social media accounts.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/editorialguidelines/guidance/individual-use-of-social-media.
pity they weren't as strict with their high profile paedophile, mr. savile..
Breaking Godwin's Law is the hallmark of shallow thinkers.
cofty could you answer how the single cell came about by chance?.
i know the argument for complexity in nature says natural selection over billions of years but this could not explain the complexity of the single cell the building blocks of life?.
I literally have not got a clue what your question is.
Are you asking where the entire cosmos came from?
Or where life originated?
Or how the first cell formed?
I offered to discuss evolution with you. Would you be so bad mannered in real life?
whether you like or loathe the guy, agree or disagree, surely he has a right to express his opinions freely on twitter?.
every bbc employee who appears on tv or speaks on the radio, should now be paranoid about any opinions they've put on their social media accounts, because if the bbc are prepared to censor/silence lineker, they'll go for anyone.. oops: looks like the bbc can dictate what their staff can & can't say in their social media accounts.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/editorialguidelines/guidance/individual-use-of-social-media.
pity they weren't as strict with their high profile paedophile, mr. savile..
There are also others who are not journalists or involved in factual programming who nevertheless have an additional responsibility to the BBC because of their profile on the BBC. We expect these individuals to avoid taking sides on party political issues or political controversies and to take care when addressing public policy matters.
If your work requires you to maintain your impartiality, don’t express a personal opinion on matters of public policy, politics, or ‘controversial subjects’
Do not reveal how you vote or express support for any political party.
Do not express a view on any policy which is a matter of current political debate or on a matter of public policy, political or industrial controversy, or any other ‘controversial subject’.
Avoid ‘virtue signalling’ – retweets, likes or joining online campaigns to indicate a personal view, no matter how apparently worthy the cause
Breach of this Guidance may lead to disciplinary action for employees in line with standard disciplinary procedures; this could include possible termination of employment in serious circumstances. For contractors who are found to have breached the Guidance there may be consequences including non-renewal or termination of contract.
cofty could you answer how the single cell came about by chance?.
i know the argument for complexity in nature says natural selection over billions of years but this could not explain the complexity of the single cell the building blocks of life?.
I said - It is very easy to prove the fact of evolution through numerous fields of science including paleontology and genetics without getting overly complex ... would you like to talk about it on a new thread?
You replied - Yes please would like to discuss in a new thread
I'm done with this ridiculous thread you created where you start with a false dichotomy and then change the subject five times.
I thought you were genuine - silly me
Vidqun you 'debate' like a teenager. I have too much self-respect to come down to your level.
whether you like or loathe the guy, agree or disagree, surely he has a right to express his opinions freely on twitter?.
every bbc employee who appears on tv or speaks on the radio, should now be paranoid about any opinions they've put on their social media accounts, because if the bbc are prepared to censor/silence lineker, they'll go for anyone.. oops: looks like the bbc can dictate what their staff can & can't say in their social media accounts.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/editorialguidelines/guidance/individual-use-of-social-media.
pity they weren't as strict with their high profile paedophile, mr. savile..
He is the highest paid presenter on the BBC
Political neutrality is central to the BBC charter.
He compared the government policy on illegal immigration to the Nazis
Millions of people have no choice but to pay his wages through the licence fee
He was previously warned. He thinks he is too important to follow the same rules as everyone else
He is free to say anything he wants - personally I am a free speech fundamentalist - but his partisan proclamations are not compatible with his high profile job
cofty could you answer how the single cell came about by chance?.
i know the argument for complexity in nature says natural selection over billions of years but this could not explain the complexity of the single cell the building blocks of life?.
Vidqun - I can prove not that species share a common 'recipe' but that they literally descended from common ancestors over millions of years.
It is the very same sort of evidence that is used every day in courts of law to settle paternity claims.
Please tell me which books that positively present the case for biological evolution you have read recently? You will be about the 20th person I have asked this of. So far EXb is the only one to admit honestly that the answer is none at all.
This is about facts versus dogma.
cofty could you answer how the single cell came about by chance?.
i know the argument for complexity in nature says natural selection over billions of years but this could not explain the complexity of the single cell the building blocks of life?.
So the fact that it can be proven beyond all reasonable doubt that all species descended from a common ancestor through evolution over millions of years - a fact that contradicts everything you currently believe - and that this fact can be explained to a non-expert like yourself is of absolutely no interest to you?
Let's say just for the sake of argument that an intelligent designer is necessary to explain the origin of the cosmos. It is still a fact that humans and primates share a common ancestor. You don't care? Okay. Let me know when you find the courage/curiosity to challenge yourself.