Here is an extract from a recent interview with SCM that address his views on evidence for intelligence having a hand in biological evolution.
I am typing on my phone so will leave a reference later.
Interviewer- I take it that in the case of evolution, there's sort of two ways to go for a theist. There's the idea that God just set everything up and made the rules, but then nature obeys those rules. But there's also a way that you could imagine God guiding the course of evolution. Do you have strong feelings about that dichotomy?
1:05:18.1 SCM: Oh, I have a strong feeling against the second option, very much so, 'cause that's something which as you say goes dangerously close to intelligent design or creationism
So SCM is 100% a traditional evolutionary scientist who happens to be a Christian - exactly as I have been saying repeatedly.
He does believe in an ultimate teleology but that is a philosophical question not a scientific one.