Hi Jofi_Wofo
There are a few excellent books that are aimed at the non-academic. I would suggest approaching them with a motive to learn the subject for the personal pleasure rather than the ability to debate creationists.
Why Evolution is True - Jerry Coyne is a nice start.
The Blind Watchmaker - Richard Dawkins tackles the argument from design in huge detail
Your Inner Fish - Neil Shubin is a fascinating story of his discovery of an important transitional fossil but covers a lot of other evidences for evolution
Endless Forms Most Beautiful - Sean B Carroll looks at Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Evo-Devo) which is how small tweaks to certain genes can create huge changes in the phenotype
Life Ascending and The Vital Question by Nick Lane are among my favourites but they are not easy reading. They will give you an appreciation of the state of current research into the origin of life
Why Darwin Matters - Michael Shermer covers the Intelligent Design movement.
There are many more but these will give you a few ideas