i am pretty comitted to showing this girl to teach herself to think for herself.
yes i am serious about her.
she seems to be serious also.
she obviously hasent been running back to her elders confessing anything
infact i doubt they know of me.
her elders isnt a serious issue yet because she isnt baptized.
and her mother couldent even tell them because she is disfelloshiped.
she has been a witness for 8 years.
she told me the last time she went to another church that she was 10.
well let me put it this way.
am i second fiddle?
ME: "I think our relationship could depend on if you read this book or not will you read it"
{crisis of conscience}
HER: "No i wont." [without any hesitation and sounding really serious.]
But we made up a few moments later.
I think i can get her to read it. But i have to give it to her at the right time. For now i have to give the apostate litature thing a rest because she is just making excuses for all the past mistakes like changing doctrins and false predictions.
She throughally believes the cross is pagan and alo of other crazy watchtower stuff.
On the bright side.
She already has apostate tendencys. Its not that she dosent doubt the organisation in the slighest but its that she dosent think there is anywhere else to go besides all of her immediate family are witnesses.
What i have to show her is that she is not choosing between me and God she is choosing between
Freedom and
Life under the rulership of false prophets
thank God she has many non witness friends
i would be so much harder if most of her friends were witnesses.
the bible is a two edged sword
yeild it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!