Pirata the discussion is in portuguese.
In that case,it is of great encouragement to all the JWN brothers that you are reaching out in the foreign-language field!
in a debate i'm having in a forum, i am discussing the subject of fractions of blood and the watchtower's position with respect to acceptance of some fractions while refusing others.. .
in that debate i mentioned that hemoglobin accepted by the watchtower as a matter of conscience is in fact most of the red blood cell (think about 97%) and the other 3% is the membrane lining the red cell.. .
am i correct in this view?
Pirata the discussion is in portuguese.
In that case,it is of great encouragement to all the JWN brothers that you are reaching out in the foreign-language field!
Seems to have been around for a while:
q: when did russel/bible students came up with the 606-1914 calculations?.
for russel the invisible precense of jesus started 1874 right?.
but was'nt his year of autumn 1914 when the harma should start based on pyramydology alone?.
It's also what I consider one of the most misleading aspects of the "Faith in Action 1" DVD, which made it look it was Russell who discerned the 607/1914 calculation.
in a debate i'm having in a forum, i am discussing the subject of fractions of blood and the watchtower's position with respect to acceptance of some fractions while refusing others.. .
in that debate i mentioned that hemoglobin accepted by the watchtower as a matter of conscience is in fact most of the red blood cell (think about 97%) and the other 3% is the membrane lining the red cell.. .
am i correct in this view?
Yes, Hemoglobin is oxygen carrying component of the red blood cell, minus the membrane.
Article on use of HBOC-201 in a JW:
Hemoglobin is currently taken from Cow's blood, and synthesized to stabilize the hemoglobin. It's like peeling an orange, throwing away the peel, and then caremlizing it. You can then proclaim that you abstain from oranges.
I'd be interested in joining in the discussion if you want to PM me the URL.
Who is BOBBY?
q: when did russel/bible students came up with the 606-1914 calculations?.
for russel the invisible precense of jesus started 1874 right?.
but was'nt his year of autumn 1914 when the harma should start based on pyramydology alone?.
They didn't.
See Blondie's excellent comment in this thread to find out who did:
i wanted to post this thread about shelby.. she get's a lot of grief by what she posts on this site, so i thought i would start a post on how shelby has helped ones that have left the borg.. i can't begin to explain how shelby has helped me, i felt like i was in a hole and she gave me answers to the many questions i had.
no matter how many emails i bombarded her with, she always took the time to answer.
yes there has been times when i haven't liked what she posted, but i asked christ to help me understand and he did...... shelby helped me to open my mind and come to the realisation that the borg can no longer stop me from becoming the beautiful person i was destined to become.. i think i speak for many when i say thank you shelby!!!!.
Shelby got me thinking one time when she said to get out of JWs because they are part of Babylon the Great. So I asked which religions she considers part of Bablyon the Great. The reply: All of them! This helped get me out of the mindset that there is only one true religion that one has to seek out.
we discuss biology from time to time here (usually as it relates to evolution) so i thought this might be fun.. below are two mice; male and female:.
below are the offspring they consistently (90% of the time) produce:.
can anyone guess why?.
1) Same as cantleave
2) Mother rat cheated on Father
3) They are demonized
4) Jehovah made them that way
new release on blood at ajwrb.
associated jehovahs witnesses for reform on blood has published a new press release informing the public and medical care providers of a product that could mean the difference between life and death for witness patients suffering from various conditions with either a primary or secondary bleeding disorder.
this press release is available on the front page of our associations web site.
Please correct me if I am wrong. According to what I read, both cyrsupernatant and cryoprecipitate are a conscience matter. So they are only condemning the outer membrane?
There is no membrane in Plasma (you may be thinking of Hemoglobin, which is the inner part of the red blood cell removed from the Membrane, and then sythesized to make it safe to put in the bloodstream). It's like peeling an orange, throwing away the peel, and then caramelizing it for a nice snack (and then saying that you abstain from oranges)).
Plasma is mostly water with lots of "stuff" in it. Cryoprecipitate is the a collection of fractions (Factor VII, fibrinogen, vWF, and factor XIII) removed from the plasma. The remaining "stuff" is called the Cryosupernatant.
Recombine these, and you have plasma again.
All the "major blood fractions" float around in the water that makes up the majority of "plasma". It just so happens that if you take blood, add an anticoagulant, and then spin it really hard, the white and red blood cells will "naturally" seperate. This is used as justification for the "major" fractions (although the disallowed major fraction, platelets, still remain suspended in the plasma).
Interestingly, some of the allowed "minor fractions" of plasma, make up a greater percentage of the blood than the disallowed blood cells.
One reason fractions are allowed is because of scientific evidence that certain plasma "fractions" are passed from fetus to mother during pregnancy. Strangely, although white blood cells are passed from mother to baby in breast milk, they are not allowed.
It's a bloody mess.
did you ever stop to realize that we humans are nothing more than dirt?
we are composed of all the foods we eat and the beverages we drink.
everything that we consume comes from the ground, from crops grown in dirt.
That would explain why I feel so dirty.