why would you want to waste good hard drive space with this poison
Posts by spawn
Watchtower Library 2009 is available to download in multi languages
by Fabricio inwatchtower library 2009 is available for download in english and spanish on this site: www.watchtowerlibrary.blogspot.com.. soon also in portuguese, and maybe in french e germany..
My experience
by spawn inthought i'd better say hi!
to say i was once a "worldly person" would be an understatement.
i consider myself to be a man who has "been there and done that" and enjoyed all the pleasures of the world.
Thanks Babe Love you too!!
Missing Amonium Nitrate?
by leavingwt ini hadn't heard about this story until today.
i think it's too early to get excited, but i would love to know more about it.. .
rcmp can't confirm missing explosive chemical foundhttp://www.canada.com/news/rcmp+confirm+missing+explosive+chemical+found/2449256/story.html.
Better still have delivered to your local KH on a sunday
My experience
by spawn inthought i'd better say hi!
to say i was once a "worldly person" would be an understatement.
i consider myself to be a man who has "been there and done that" and enjoyed all the pleasures of the world.
Thought I'd better say Hi!
To say I was once a "worldly person" would be an understatement. I consider myself to be a man who has "been there and done that" and enjoyed all the pleasures of the world. Then one day I met someone who was in the "truth" if that’s what you like to think it is, we dated and much to the annoyance of some of her family we decided to get married. I started going to the meetings and was slowly sucked into the hype, after asking two or three Elders for a study and being ignored each time I went to an elder in the sister congregation and he was happy to help. It was only after I got baptised that I started to notice the cracks in the facade. I went on the min and was used in the meetings and got to know how the org worked and that was when I knew I had been fooled by it all, I was still an outsider in the congregation and was an expert people watcher, you were told to love one another and treat them as your family but when I noticed that you had the “Us and Them” groups with certain brothers and sisters being ignored and the total insincerity that was given to all but a few. Perhaps because I had come into the truth I noticed things that those who were born into it didn't.
The week in week out guilt trip they put you on if you missed a meeting or you weren’t doing enough field service. The Brothers who gave talks on subjects that they themselves didn't obey to. Then you had the evil vindictiveness of certain m/s and elders against others because they didn't like them. Even when help was asked for I never got it.
When I was worldly I had a social group of friends who would look after and do anything for each other, I couldn't say that about the org.
For me it came to a head when the P/O and other elders kept asking me if I knew things about brothers to stop them from becoming m/s or elders or just to find things out so as they could use at a later date, also the persecution of two or three brothers by a power crazed P/O which almost destroyed the congregation. After that the meetings were never the same, you could feel the tension in the hall for months, This proved to me that there was no love in the congregation and if these people were Christians did I want to end up like some bitter twisted old man like those around me. These things and other stuff that I haven't mentioned finally confirmed what I had been thinking for some time "If there was a God them you can keep him because I don't believe in one any longer".
My wife and I have a three year old son and one due in three weeks and between us we have decided that the Org is no place to bring up children that is another reason why we have left.
I would like to thank all that post on this site for answering some of the questions I have had in the past couple of years about the GB and Borg and there corrupt ways.
Surely when Armageddon comes we will all be saved by Bruce Willis in a white vest!!!
news from the jw's in haiti
by highdose inthis is an email going round the jw's, contains several accounts.
here are some new reports that i received today about our brothers in haiti.
for those unfamiliar with the geography of the area, haiti shares the island with the dominican republic which is referred to as "dr" in the report.
Because of the lack of heavy equipment brothers are digging out families with their bare hands. Although their first interest is their immediate family and the friends in the congregation,
Typical of the Borg, surely all lives are worth saving or maybe not.
Also did the brothers have to put suits and ties on for the meeting?????
Belated Introduction
by LittleSister infirst i must apologise for not posting an intro before and for the length of my intro, once you start it just keeps pouring out.
i grew up in what the jw org likes to call a divided home.
my mother had become a jw a few years before and was raising her 4 children of which i was the youngest in the truth.
Well done Babe now we can get on with our life in the way we see fit. We are not minless sheep heading for the slaughter.
Forwarded JW email: proof of the Nephilim!
by JimmyPage inand the bible again was right.... all the ones who are familiarized, with the bible know about the nephilim.
as related in the bible, these man of ancient times, apparently descenced from the heavens (they were angels), having been atracted by women on the earth....for that reason they took form of men, abandoning their original spiritual nature.
that bible account, leaves many perplexed, which is very understandable, if you don t believe in god, but now archaeologist, have found rest of abnormal big skeletons....what at least make you think of the accuracy of the bible.. .
I don't want to be a pain but they were the hybrid offspring of fallen angels and human women.
Forwarded JW email: proof of the Nephilim!
by JimmyPage inand the bible again was right.... all the ones who are familiarized, with the bible know about the nephilim.
as related in the bible, these man of ancient times, apparently descenced from the heavens (they were angels), having been atracted by women on the earth....for that reason they took form of men, abandoning their original spiritual nature.
that bible account, leaves many perplexed, which is very understandable, if you don t believe in god, but now archaeologist, have found rest of abnormal big skeletons....what at least make you think of the accuracy of the bible.. .
Hi Cofty I found it with a google search, it didn't have much with it
Forwarded JW email: proof of the Nephilim!
by JimmyPage inand the bible again was right.... all the ones who are familiarized, with the bible know about the nephilim.
as related in the bible, these man of ancient times, apparently descenced from the heavens (they were angels), having been atracted by women on the earth....for that reason they took form of men, abandoning their original spiritual nature.
that bible account, leaves many perplexed, which is very understandable, if you don t believe in god, but now archaeologist, have found rest of abnormal big skeletons....what at least make you think of the accuracy of the bible.. .
Hey Jimmy dooes this help?