Wow, my sincere apologies for my rude post
i was told there was new light by a former jw.
i wanted to verify if it was true.
the new light claims the annointed class/144k is always male.
Wow, my sincere apologies for my rude post
i was told there was new light by a former jw.
i wanted to verify if it was true.
the new light claims the annointed class/144k is always male.
144k annointed virgin Jewish males who follow the lamb where ever he goes.
Ya that sounds exactly like the WTS governing body
just saying that this whole idea is a big fu*&ing joke on anyone who believes such nonsense.
What a fu*^ed up thing.
just my [not so] humble opinion
recently, since my d/aing, i've heard the same old cobblers has been said to and by my family members.
(more than likely referring to me).. ''jehovah(tm) will judge.
he knows who will survive and be destroyed at armageddon.
With the whole 'lying for the truth' or 'spiritual warfare' thing, how do you NOT make stuff up? Doesn't that mean that you decide when to be truthful?
just asking
dear lord jesus,.
let me be a friendthat when i need a friend somewheni will be not alone.. jesus, my saviour, my truth, my life,be my friend if i dont understand your wordand sometimes am confused.
be my friend in the stormy time,let me trust and believe in your mercy.dont let me judge about wheat and weedbut trust in your heart.
Nice prayer
i was told that today by a more to say.
you may accept orange fractions in the form of orange juice (without pulp, of course) or combined with vanilla ice cream in the form a Creamsicle pop.
ugh, that's so gay!
i have no problem saying atheists and christians are equal.. but some people seem to have the belief that atheists are more likely to be morally good, or more likely to change the world for good, than christians and theists.. but what evidence do you have to support this claim?.
if atheism is what causes people to do great positive things for the world, then why weren't martin luther king, jr., william wilberforce, isaac newton, francis collins, barack obama, mother theresa, abraham lincoln, or john f. kennedy atheists?.
An interesting question. Here's my answer.
I agree that there are good and bad people of all faiths and of no faith at all as stated by others posted earlier.
I think the standards of morality that we now have are because of people of faith in a supreme God.
I think the same thing of hospitals, old age homes, orphanages, food banks, shelters and universities.
Specifically those institutions were started by the Church and were only later adopted by others who saw the good and wanted to continue the good without faith.
Again, that's not to say that there were no doctors, teachers, or those who wanted to help the poor, it's just that there weren't any of those people organized before the Church did it.
just saying
my experiences have included being lied to about what the bible says.
mind you , i am not referring to scripture twisting, i mean out right lying about what is written.. obviously at least some here didn't realize until it was later.. just wondering what others experienced.. thanks.
The last time that I was blatantly lied to was during a 'bible talk'with two witnesses. The older witness said something to the effect of
"You don't think Jesus really said that Peter is the rock that he would build his church, do you?"
My reply was,' I KNOW that he said that, because I've read it' I was a little aggressive in my reply and he just shut down after I said that I read it in the bible.
A better reply from me would have been
"You don't think Jesus really didn't say to Peter that he is the rock that Jesus would build his church on"
of course, the reply would have to be snarky.
Just saying
we're breaking up the regional convention event by going each of the days to a different weekend session.. the tsongas center lowell ma was a bit hard to find, we got lost and got there after the first song and prayer (just in time for the first talk)!
we ran into so many from our home congregation who aren't even assigned to this rc!.
i think it's quite common for publishers now to break up the convention weekend and attend at times when their congregation isn't assigned.. some families (3) were attending this particular convention so as to meet up with family members who are in another part of the region.
But there was more sh¡t coming from the stage than getting flushed down the toilets--just saying!
just saying
my experiences have included being lied to about what the bible says.
mind you , i am not referring to scripture twisting, i mean out right lying about what is written.. obviously at least some here didn't realize until it was later.. just wondering what others experienced.. thanks.
my experiences have included being lied to about what the bible says.
mind you , i am not referring to scripture twisting, i mean out right lying about what is written.. obviously at least some here didn't realize until it was later.. just wondering what others experienced.. thanks.
My experiences have included being lied to about what the bible says. Mind you , I am not referring to scripture twisting, I mean out right lying about what is written.
Obviously at least some here didn't realize until it was later.
Just wondering what others experienced.