I have never been a JW, but I am angry at the WTS. Angry at the arrogance and ignorance. Lying for the truth and such. Wolf in sheeps clothing at the door. Talking about the bible, but twisting it to fit their own membership drive. Effing disgrace!
I'm angry that they converted my brother and his family and took them away from their extended family with lies and scripture twisting. Lies that have people who were JWs now looking at the bible with skepticism as well as the WTS.
His life has steadily gone down hill since kingdom hall membership. He lost his business, then a good job. He had property that he lost and is a shell of his former self. His wife and kids too.
They all need help yet are above the rest of us because they have 'The Truth'.
It is very sad and discouraging. Oh, how I wish they would fade or just leave.
Not angry at JWs, just their org.