Posts by TTWSYF
3 words to describe.....
by punkofnice in..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
we're God's channel -
what is the ontlogical trinity
by piledriver inthe trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
A mother, a father and a son have the last name Jones. You have 3 persons with the same last name. Which one is Jones? Each one is Jones while being different persons.
You could say the same thing about them being human. One isn;t a less Jones or human than the other. That could be an analogy to explain the trinity.
See? simple
3 words to describe.....
by punkofnice in..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
lying for truth -
3 words to describe.....
by punkofnice in..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
lies, lies, lies -
what is the ontlogical trinity
by piledriver inthe trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
Well, I for one don't think I could explain the trinity to the degree that Cofty would like. If mystery is a cop out for the trinity, it would also have to be a cop out for the virgin birth of Jesus too. How would you define a being that has no beginning too? Explain how Jesus [and others] could ascend to heaven. How about healings that defy logic? Too much to try to explain to someone who has no knowledge of Jesus and his church.
So why am I a believer of this unlikely [and unexplainable] faith?
For me it's the history and the fruits. 2000 years of a lineage that goes directly to Jesus. He promised that HIS church would last all ages. The way that so many people HATE the church, yet it still remains. And it always will, or Jesus is a lying fool.
How about the fruits? No one can deny the real fruits that every other faith and civilization tries to copy and even take credit for. I'll be a brief as possible.
Universities/colleges. Never a system if school in the world that was promoted worldwide. As a result, the Church actually invented the scientific method.
Hospitals- Never a hospital anywhere before the church started building them. Nurses? All nuns working the hospitals.
Orphanages? Yup Catholic Church fruit .....Old age homes, banks....battered wifes shelters, .. homeless shelters...etc, etc
And as a result, the Church was the first to institute and promote civil rights for all and promotes that also worldwide.
just saying...that I cannot explain the mystery of the trinity, but I can see the real and true fruits givin to us all from the Church that Jesus started.
what is the ontlogical trinity
by piledriver inthe trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
Cofty, you slay me! lol
what is the ontlogical trinity
by piledriver inthe trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
Cofty, we all want a simple explanation of a mystery. A mystery is a mystery.
One thing is for sure. IF you believe the bible is the true word of God, then you must believe that God has revealed himself as a trinity as the bible says very specifically that the Father is God, the Son is God and the Holy Ghost is God.
what is the ontlogical trinity
by piledriver inthe trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
Waffling about firetrucks doesn't get you out of that.
I am not asking for a lesson in Hebrew. I am asking for a simple explanation.
lol hahaha. Love it! Honestly, I'd like a simple explanation too. I can't wrap my head around a God that has no beginning or end. As a human, I just don't get it. Does that mean that it isn't true that God has no beginning because I can't grasp the concept? Isn't a being without a beginning a mystery?
what is the ontlogical trinity
by piledriver inthe trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
Hi Cofty, I don't know if I can explain any more clearly as I am not a theologian or apologist, but you know what a compound word is? Firetruck, firehouse, etc? Put two words together to make a different word.
In Hebrew, like many other languages, there are not the exact words that can be translated with a similar english word. We [who speak english] have one word for is one.
Hebrew has two words for one. One word is the singular one just like we speak in english,
The other is a compound one which indicates the combining of elements to make a one. A synergistic one. A combination one.
I think you understand....
just saying...that The Truth Will Set You Free
what is the ontlogical trinity
by piledriver inthe trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
Or, how about this? God is so awesome and by the power of his word do things exist and are sustained, He is so awesome that when he speaks, his words are alive, His words have HIS spirit, his words are alive and deserve the same honor as HE HIMSELF is a mystery