How about this one
John 5;23
that all may honour the Son according as they honour the Father; he who is not honouring the Son, doth not honour the Father who sent him.
so what scriptures do you think will never make the cut?i will start off with one to warm you all up.. 1 corinthians 4:6 - do not go beyond the things that are written,.
How about this one
John 5;23
was it 1931 when they adopted jehovah's witnesses?
(at the time with lower case w) isn't it about time now they changed name again?
i mean everything else is changing why not the name!
with some 30,000 different christian denominations, how would one know which one was for real?
some folks think jesus did start a church, others think no.
Well,.. we are all entitled to our opinions, I am honestly trying to, but I just don't follow your logic. Being written in one gospel isn't good enough? Do you think that it must be written in other gospels to be legit? What about the all other passages that were not repeated in other gospels? I mean, the bible says Jesus did lots of other stuff that never made it to the gospels, right?
Also your point about Jesus building, or Jesus having HIS church built,or he will build as a way out of this explicit proof text is just a bunch of nonsense. Do you actually believe that? That Jesus did not intend to have HIS church.
There WAS a church [in the making] for hundreds of years before the bible, right? I believe that Jesus DID start a church and started building it on the apostles. The passage that refers to Peter as the rock that he will build his church on is the first corner of the foundation. A building needs a foundation to start. A church starts and is built as it goes along, like a building, no?
with some 30,000 different christian denominations, how would one know which one was for real?
some folks think jesus did start a church, others think no.
Mephis- So in your mind, Jesus din't start a church to himself because in Mathew, he says he WILL build his church is in future tense, but Mathew is written 50 years later, iS THAT RIGHT?
Just want to be sure that I understand your position
with some 30,000 different christian denominations, how would one know which one was for real?
some folks think jesus did start a church, others think no.
There's no evidence even from our earliest writings about him which suggests he established a church in his own lifetime.
Mathew 16;18
New International Version
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
How could his church survive [and flourish] for 2000 years?
so what scriptures do you think will never make the cut?i will start off with one to warm you all up.. 1 corinthians 4:6 - do not go beyond the things that are written,.
Regarding Jesus
Philippians 2;9
Douay-Rheims Bible
For which cause God also hath exalted him, and hath given him a name which is above all names:
with some 30,000 different christian denominations, how would one know which one was for real?
some folks think jesus did start a church, others think no.
There's no evidence even from our earliest writings about him which suggests he established a church in his own lifetime.
Except in the bible, and in the writings of the church fathers which were written after HIS church was orally established
"we do not view them [silent lambs] as our enemies," [j.r.] brown said.
(, march 27th, 2004)
"a lie is a false statement made by one to another one who is entitled to hear and to know the truth" (riches book, 1936, page 177) .
with some 30,000 different christian denominations, how would one know which one was for real?
some folks think jesus did start a church, others think no.
with some 30,000 different christian denominations, how would one know which one was for real?
some folks think jesus did start a church, others think no.