Calenders-every day and month is based or named after a Roman or Greek pagan god or goddess.
Planet names, no more saying Mars or Venus or Youranus
what i'm looking for specifically is things that are "pagan" in the sense they predate christianity (or i guess judiasm to cover the ole mosaic code), that jw's allow or do.
the ones that come to mind are below.. rings - rings seem to originate in egypt.
for wedding ceremonies it became a symbol of "ownership" in rome.. pinatas - looks like possibly it originated in china as a part of the new year and a request for luck, and catholics later turned it into a beating of temptation type thing.. anything else?.
Calenders-every day and month is based or named after a Roman or Greek pagan god or goddess.
Planet names, no more saying Mars or Venus or Youranus
jws very much believe that there is an absolute truth and of course, they are the only ones who have it lol.
how about now though do you still believe that absolute truths exist?
or is everything subjective?
Yes, I believe in the concept of absolute truth.
I believe that is does not come from the organization that started 140 years ago and promotes 'lying for the Truth[tm]'
jw's want to begin a study through their new "what does the bible really teach?
" book.
should a non-jw study with them just to point out the contradictions and muddled thinking in the book?
What are you trying to accomplish by chatting with them? To open their eyes or just to harass them?
Ask one stumper question and then walk away.
Ask how they would know more about what a catholic book teaches then the catholics? The bible is a catholic book.
it gives nothing, it only takes.
it preaches the end but continues to commute its financial ‘winnings’ into bricks and mortar investments and enjoys the prestige of a world-wide portfolio worth billions.
the constant postponement of armageddon only helps this business model so the administration is happy.
Half banana, Don't you know?
The watchtower is the only organization going door to door restoring the true name of God!
That's their work.
Now, what's their fruit from this work? The fruit would be the gift to the world.
For example, the corrupted, pedophile filled, crusade loving, inquisition supporting, pagan influenced catholic church does works that have given the world the bible, hospitals, the college system, orphanages, food banks, old age homes and is without question the largest charitable organization on the planet. The fruit is given to billions who have enjoyed the privileges that are undeniable.
What has the WTS given the world?
umm, I dunno
when you read the following statements from the wt.
organization... do they satisfy you?
or better stated...... should you be satisfied by there answers?.
Yes, false prophets. Just as the bible warned us all about.
Word play, theocratic warfare or lying for the truth? Just take your pick
destroying the governing body’s claim of authority.
begin at the beginning.
what source authority did early christians have?.
About 40 thousand divisions in Christianity.
If we pretend only Christianity has "the truth" then the odds of picking
the right denomination is 1 in 40,000.
How very lucky all of us are!
We managed to rule out at least one of them!
Our odds have improved.
One church started by Jesus himself, 39,000 started by men.
hmm, which one should I join?
i was reading another thread and the comments got me thinking....
comments such as oldskools: more like digital colonialism channeled through one of the weaker and less important institutions western society has to offer.. .
some have compared the orgs future path to the world wide church of gods.
Things in common with JW and Catholics
1-They believe the bible is the word of God
2- They believe Jesus is the messiah
3- I think that's it
jehovah's witnesses target grief and see the recently bereaved as "ripe fruit" for conversion, a former elder of the faith says.. vince and michele tylor spoke out after reading the story of wellington woman jean sergent-shadbolt, who received a handwritten letter from a jehovah's witness three months to the day after her step-cousin, friend and flatmate died.. a current senior elder of the faith says it has no policy to target grieving, and those who do so are acting on their own initiative.
however, he concedes such people may feel guided by jehovah's witness literature.. but vince tylor said he knew of members who would trawl though obituaries to find grieving people, or visit cemeteries.. "not only do we see watchtower printed material suggesting and supporting writing letters from obituaries such as what jean received, but we even have reports and articles of encouragement for jws to go to cemeteries to look for people as well.".
my uber elder brother told me that JWs like going out on holidays like xmas, mothers day, fathers day or any other day to find potential recruits. He said that days like that, people who are alone are ripe for the picking.
He told me that he has [on more than one occasion] found people in tears from loneliness and he was smiling as he told me.
What a f+#@%^! disgrace the WTS is. What horrible, judgmental, hypocritical, lying behavior the WTS teachings promote to their members.
Nothing like lying for the truth
im talking about crazies.
and i mean, way out there mentally ill nutters that think they're perfectly sane.
every congregation seems to have at least one.
How many more would be WAY OUT THERE with out their meds.
More looneys than a funny farm
international version 1 cor 5:11. but now i am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler.
do not even eat with such people.. if shunning is wrong.
.how does one explain this scripture?.
Shunning seems scriptually appropriate when a son sleeping with his stepmom in your cong..
all other reasons for shunning in your cong seem non scriptural.
But that's my reasoning, not the WTS