blondie2 days ago
I have access to other sites that have a comparison listing of many translations, but none with the RNWT. Does anybody know of one.
No Blondie, I do not know of any bible site that lists the NWT. The reason is obvious to most who have not been brainwashed from this cult.
Scholarly sources will never list the NWT or RNWT because as the OP stated, the WTBTS is a corrupted translation. Literally hundreds of erroneous translations, words added, words changed and linguistic rules and laws just ignored.
Yet the org will still proclaim to it's own that it is the most accurate translation available. The new testament is a collection of books compiled by the apostles of Jesus and their disciples confirming that the way to God is through Jesus Christ. The NWT and RNWT is a collection of the same books that have been altered to suggest that the way to God is through the WTS.
Both position cannot be right. that is why I feel that witnesses at the door, with bible in hand, representing the WTS are nothing short of 'wolves is sheeps clothing'
Sorry if that sounds harsh, but that is the TRUTH