good points and clearly explained,
well done Dave
as you know (and are probably tired of hearing me repeat), i’m jewish.
yes, i was a jehovah’s witness when i was a teenager and into my 20s, but returned to my roots and now celebrate chanukah when the holiday season comes around each year.. so why am i writing about christmas?
well, that’s because i thought i would share something about how jehovah’s witnesses teach against christmas.
good points and clearly explained,
well done Dave
aren't there christian denominations who do not make false end of the world predictions but who nevertheless believe that the world will eventually end and paradise (whether in heaven or on earth) will come?.
it seems the watchtower was just jumping the gun when they made false end of the world predictions but they are nevertheless the right: the world will eventually end and paradise will come..
The end of the world is certainly coming, just as it has for every thing that has ever lived on this planet.
Everything that lives here will die. That IS the end of the world for anything living.
Well, that depends on your way of life. If you live a life that should be rewarded because of the way you live or your faith.
You, me and Dupree will find out when the end of the world comes to us.
I'm over 50 year old, I imagine the world will certainly end [for me] within 6 decades.....oh oh, better get to the cart for WTS literature.
“the bbc is right to recognise that the libel that catholics said and did nothing against nazism is precisely that, a collective libel.
i am grateful to them for doing so.”--lord alton of liverpool.. so reported the catholic herald (uk) on friday, 9th of december 2016 after the bbc admitted it greatly underestimated the catholic church's opposition to hitler during the shoah.. the bbc’s internal watchdog has found that a programme wrongly accused the catholic church of “silence” about the holocaust.. after pope francis’s visit to auschwitz in july, bbc one’s 6pm news bulletin carried a report which stated: “silence was the response of the catholic church when nazi germany demonised jewish people and then attempted to eradicate jews from europe.”.
in response, the cross-bench peer lord alton of liverpool and fr leo chamberlain, the former headmaster of ampleforth, made an official complaint.. nearly six months later, the bbc’s editorial complaints unit has now concluded that the item was unfair.
If you are reading about the spanish inquisition, then you may be aware of 2 facts.
1st- Less than 2000 people died
AND, it was not a teaching or promotion of the catholic church. It was some [certainly misguided] people in the church.
That said, I totally agree that certainly there are lots of victims from catholics, but not from the catholic teachings
“the bbc is right to recognise that the libel that catholics said and did nothing against nazism is precisely that, a collective libel.
i am grateful to them for doing so.”--lord alton of liverpool.. so reported the catholic herald (uk) on friday, 9th of december 2016 after the bbc admitted it greatly underestimated the catholic church's opposition to hitler during the shoah.. the bbc’s internal watchdog has found that a programme wrongly accused the catholic church of “silence” about the holocaust.. after pope francis’s visit to auschwitz in july, bbc one’s 6pm news bulletin carried a report which stated: “silence was the response of the catholic church when nazi germany demonised jewish people and then attempted to eradicate jews from europe.”.
in response, the cross-bench peer lord alton of liverpool and fr leo chamberlain, the former headmaster of ampleforth, made an official complaint.. nearly six months later, the bbc’s editorial complaints unit has now concluded that the item was unfair.
Thank you for these news clips. I had researched some of the claims made by my elder brother about how the church 'secretly' wanted the holocaust against the Jews. Imagine that people actually believed that? The church which has promoted humans rights to ALL people since it's beginning was wanting the assault against the Jews?
Not likely and history has proven those claims to be false.
The Watchtower, in contrast, had initially supported Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Then in true watchtower fashion, promoted their revisionist history showing themselves on the correct side.
The Watchtower has never been on the correct side of anything imo
where did all the witnesses over the decades get the idea that armageddon was right around the corner?
the society certainly never put anything like that down in print:
*** w56 10/15 p. 614 when will gods kingdom come?
Jesus said that his church would last all to the end of time and that no one knows the hour that God would judge the world. Maybe 20,000 years from now, the years of the 21st century will be considered part of the early church
what do you believe , is a confessional something that is sacred between the the two parties involved ?
or does it depend on the severity of the crime/sin.. or is their a responsability of the recpient of the confession to divulge what he/she knows about the crime.?.
what we see in movies ,tv, etc shows it is a no no .but is that true ?the confessional is only between the two involved.?.
If clergy could go the the authorities to report crimes confessed to a priest, then 2 negative things would happen.
FIrst, the clergy could not council the confessor about making amends for his/her crime AND folks would not confess their crimes/sins anymore making an effective council impossible.
Just common sense.
Book of acts, people have been confessing their sins since the beginning of the Christian church
it is true that bible has at times fallen at odds with proven science (e.g.
joshua stopping the sun, star being stopped over jesus’s house of birth …etc), .
however, when it comes to entropy (moving from order to disorder) it is in harmony with science—especially with the spirit of what the second law of thermodynamics that says that energy of all kinds in our material world disperses or spreads out if it is not hindered from doing so …... .
Question-Where is the antichrist?
Answer- Always in the last place that you look.
"a believer" seems to be our new apologist/disobedient sheep.
"a believer" ignores the "spirit-directed"/"bible-based" commands of the gb/fds!
shame on you, "a believer"!!!!
I'm thinking that Former brother and believer are the same person
i bet most witnesses could not explain their blood policy, their understanding of the slave, and even simple biblical doctrines....they are an embarrassment to any old timer..
Jesus said to love your enemy, so that means love everyone if you follow what the scriptures command
i bet most witnesses could not explain their blood policy, their understanding of the slave, and even simple biblical doctrines....they are an embarrassment to any old timer..
Believer- Still awaiting real fruits to the world from the JW society,.
I tend to think that you may not have any that you feel real good about.....