The food was good, but the servers were spitting in it..
Posts by TTWSYF
"jesus never said the spiritual food would be perfect"
by nowwhat? inoh so it's jesus fault the spiritual food hasn't been perfect!
we your governing body are just responsible for serving it!
think about this people, they are saying it was jesus who told us the end was going to come in 1975. then before the 1914 generation passed away no later than the 1990's.
I hate the Watchtower but I really still hate the Trinity Jesus is NOT God!
by Witness 007 insome bibles use the term "worship" when refering to times people did fall down and bow to him........this doesn't show he was god!
the greek term; proskeyneo, means to prostrate oneself, to bow down and show honour.
now, this was done for jehovah.....and his representatives....jesus israelite kings and priests....but for the honour of jehovah not as creature worship which even angels would refuse.. also i studied the non-biblical early church gospels which really does show a slow decline over 150 years, into the trinity as the watchtower claims...........although i still hate the watchtower society at least i learnt something that wasn't a lie..
I wonder how long the Egyptian trinity lasted? Imagine that the Catholic church copied another faith, yet has fruits that no one has ever given the world ever before or since....weird
The Catholic church has been running for 2000 yrs now. Jesus said that he would be with HIS church until the end of the age. He stated that not even the gates of hell would prevail, but he never said that the gates of hell would not try though.
it's a head scratcher isn't it
Jehovahs Witnesses and Conditional Love
by Christian Gutierrez ina hey guys this is a short story of a witness who could never find unconditional love kfrom the congregation and family members.
I have heard many a JW speak about love that they have for each other. They speak of the bible verse stating that you will be known by your love. Then there are the examples that they say about how this one helped that one and how they showed charity to one another.
The only problem that I have with such things is that this love is only shown to other JWs [in good standing]
There is no love for others who share this planet with them. NO love for neighbors, not even those that the bible says to help like orphans, widows, elderly, the poor and the sick.
I hate the Watchtower but I really still hate the Trinity Jesus is NOT God!
by Witness 007 insome bibles use the term "worship" when refering to times people did fall down and bow to him........this doesn't show he was god!
the greek term; proskeyneo, means to prostrate oneself, to bow down and show honour.
now, this was done for jehovah.....and his representatives....jesus israelite kings and priests....but for the honour of jehovah not as creature worship which even angels would refuse.. also i studied the non-biblical early church gospels which really does show a slow decline over 150 years, into the trinity as the watchtower claims...........although i still hate the watchtower society at least i learnt something that wasn't a lie..
Village Idiot2 days ago
When I think of the Trinity I'm amused by the fact that the "Holy Spirit" has no personality whatsoever.
I'm not wanting to pick on you VI, just want to bring some scriptures to light that contradict your position. It is my opinion [and many others] that the Holy Ghost has the attributes of a person and does have a personality.
The HG [Holy Ghost] is referred to as 'HE' through out the scriptures. He loves [Rom 15;30], he teaches [Luke 12;12], He has impulses[John 16;13] He appoints and calls to ministry [Acts 13;2] He thinks [Acts 15;25,28] can be blasphemed-worth mentioning that only God can be blasphemed [Matt 12;31,32], He pleads [Rom 8;26,27] and longs or yearns [James 4;5] He can be insulted [aside from these types of OPs] [Heb 10;29] and he agrees [1John 5;7,8]. All of these types of things are the attributes of a person and not a force. For example, you can't offend a force, but you can a person. Someone who thinks, loves and guides must have a personality as opposed to simply being an active force. In my kinda humble opinion.
The Truth Will Set You Free
the archangel, an archangel
by AmyWatson916 ini'm reading a book called "what to do when they knock" that goes over the jw book "what does the bible really teach?".
it points out that the "bible really teach" book, on page 218, makes a bit of a point about there being only one archangel.
it says michael is "the archangel" and emphasizes that "the" means only one.
It's not in the NWT, but In the book of Tobit, the arch angel Rafael says that he is one of seven who stands before the Lord.
Pray for all people, especially our leaders? That's what the bible says
by TTWSYF infrom 1timothy chapt 2. the first to timothy.
2 first of all, then, i urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made concerning all sorts of men, 2 concerning kings and all those who are in high positions,*+ so that we may go on leading a calm and quiet life with complete godly devotion and seriousness.+ 3 this is fine and acceptable in the sight of our savior, god,+ 4 whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved+ and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.
5 for there is one god,+ and one mediator+ between god and men,+ a man, christ jesus,+ 6 who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all*+—this is what is to be witnessed to in its own due time.
This scripture makes me wonder how a Jw does (or former Jw did) reconcile not voting. Pray for your leaders, but do nothing else? Don't vote or call or engage your leaders in any way?
Makes no sense, more like very dense.
The Truth Will Set You Free
Pray for all people, especially our leaders? That's what the bible says
by TTWSYF infrom 1timothy chapt 2. the first to timothy.
2 first of all, then, i urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made concerning all sorts of men, 2 concerning kings and all those who are in high positions,*+ so that we may go on leading a calm and quiet life with complete godly devotion and seriousness.+ 3 this is fine and acceptable in the sight of our savior, god,+ 4 whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved+ and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.
5 for there is one god,+ and one mediator+ between god and men,+ a man, christ jesus,+ 6 who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all*+—this is what is to be witnessed to in its own due time.
From 1Timothy chapt 2
The First to Timothy
2 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made concerning all sorts of men, 2 concerning kings and all those who are in high positions,*+ so that we may go on leading a calm and quiet life with complete godly devotion and seriousness.+ 3 This is fine and acceptable in the sight of our Savior, God,+ 4 whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved+ and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. 5 For there is one God,+ and one mediator+ between God and men,+ a man, Christ Jesus,+ 6 who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all*+—this is what is to be witnessed to in its own due time. 7 For the purpose of this witness+ I was appointed a preacher and an apostle+—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—a teacher of nations+ in the matter of faith and truth.
1986- U.S. bombs libya!
by nowwhat? inreagan orders bombing of libyia target's kadaffi.
i vividly remember calling my pioneer buddy "ok this is it get ready for ww3!
" guess what nothing happened.
sorry if I ...again...killed and OP
1986- U.S. bombs libya!
by nowwhat? inreagan orders bombing of libyia target's kadaffi.
i vividly remember calling my pioneer buddy "ok this is it get ready for ww3!
" guess what nothing happened.
True that things can always spin out of control. Just look at JW prophesies. This world will not last into the 21st century....yet here we are.
Somehow we expected that a group formed 1850 years after Christ could somehow accurately predict God's plan for humanity.
It's really just common sense to dismiss this organization for what it is.
A lying cult.
The Truth Will Set You Free
My Anointed Grandma’s Wavering Faith?
by My Name is of No Consequence insome quick background information: my dad (her firstborn son) died unexpectedly this past october.
his death has really hit our family hard.
personally, i have not totally come to terms with this.
sorry if I killed your OP